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I was having a good day when i am suddenly hit with a memory i tried so hard to forget . When i was a kid, i was always a little arrogant and maybe a little entitled . When i look back at myself , i cringe at myself and i hate myself to the core . It is always accompanied by so much shame and its kind of hard to like myself . I always think i am at a point where i love myself but then this happens and i am back to square one. Then i start overthinking and stop putting effort into improving myself cause i am me .
Mudkip · 31-35, M
The chances of people still thinking of you at that point are little to none. So hopefully you can look through it and leave it in the past.
Mudkip · 31-35, M
Ashly · 26-30, F
Mudkip · 31-35, M
@Ashly you hate me right 🤨
rfatoday · 61-69, M
I am sure you are a wonderful young woman. It's easy to overthink things and I wrote the book on "overthinking". Thing to realize IMO is that God makes no junk. You need to learn to love the girl in the mirror. She is only human and thus will never be perfect. But she can be forgiven and move on. :) Journaling is powerful tool because it allows the stuff in our heads to be "frozen in time" and looked back at. It can also help identify thinking patterns. Such as was my experience many years ago when using it as a personal inventory tool.

Good luck with everything. :)

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