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An experience while sleeping?

For a few nights in a row, I've experienced this when trying to fall asleep:
When my body feels very close to sleep, the sounds in my room seem to stop, (light hums of the fans, ceiling fans, A/C) and then it jolts me awake/startles me.

The air in the room feels thick, the best way I can explain it is like how you can kinda "feel" someone next to you, even if your eyes are closed. That feeling plus the sound muffling causes me to wake.

I'm wondering if that's just the moment that I'm about to fall asleep, but my body becomes aware of it??

No, my place is not haunted, that's just the best way I can explain it.

Anyone experienced this?
Elisbch · M
Do your experience panic attacks. I don't mean related to what you described... but for any other reasons?
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@Elisbch nope
Elisbch · M
@iamnikki.. That's good you don't have panic attacks. I only asked because myself and someone else I was told about by a Dr told me they experienced what you described when close to falling asleep. They didn't happen at the same time but my Dr thought they could be linked somehow.
Jerking awake and "paralysis" are feelings pretty much everyone has, at times.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@SomeMichGuy I am not experiencing sleep paralysis
@iamnikki No, but they are both in set "things which people experience going out of / coming back into consciousness"

Feeling like someone is watching fits, too.
I had a very long and depressing dream this morning. Thankfully I've forgptten what is was about.

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