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Darkness Dwells

There are nights I just cannot sleep.
I wander through my mind and find no restful comforts.
A contortion of warped recollections that only I can assail me with.

By day, I seem mostly normal.
By night, I writhe.
Wriggling under the thoughts of it all.
Withering under the spotlights of my own emotions.

I type in the darkness hoping that my fingers hit the correct keys.
Perhaps finding the ones that may unlock some hidden truth to free me,
But there is no such thing.
Just the endless questions that bellow through my nighttime.
Answers that hide in the shadows of thought within my mind.
Perched and waiting for me to almost feel some measure of peace.
The perfect time for them to swoop in and grasp me like a field mouse.....

The sun will begin to rise and again I'll carry on.
In my almost normal fashion.
SolGryn · 31-35, M
I hope you find your truth
HikingMan · 51-55, M
@SolGryn I do thank you though for shining some type of positivity towards it all.
If only positivity could alter the perceptions of it.....

But alas, The storms come to wreak havoc.
Never claiming me.
Just spitting me back out to be mostly normal tomorrow morning
SolGryn · 31-35, M
@HikingMan what happens to you doesnt matter. At least you found your truth
HikingMan · 51-55, M
@SolGryn That is true enough.

If only the truth was an answer....

There are always those questions without answer.

But the truth is always true enough.

Sorry for being lousy company.

At least you distracted me for a moment.

4 am comes quickly. I'm almost halfway there.

Ere the Sun rises....

Be well
Live happy
Die trying,

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