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What time do you normally go to sleep, and wake up?

Just wondering what normally sleep cycles are... or if people are more morning people or night owls.
Bed around noon to 1pm and awake at 5:15 pm
Viper · M
@SooperSarah is that enough sleep for you? :( Doesn't seem like enough.
@Viper it is. I tend to sleep longer on the weekends though
Viper · M
@SooperSarah hey if it works for you, I know one NFL coach was going to the doctor because he only slept four hours but he felt fine, and a doctor said if it doesn't bother you then just go with it.
eyeno · M
Don't have a set schedule, feel more rested with cat-naps...,

9.30pm, wake at 4am. I know I'm a psycho
Viper · M
@DrScissorhands 6.5 hours a sleep only? :(
@Viper Sometimes more but around that range 6-7 hours a day on average for me
Viper · M
@DrScissorhands I feel like I need so much more sleep than average
Viper · M
@QueenOfTheNerds looks like about 1:30 to about 6:30... 5 hours, do you feel like you get enough sleep?
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@Viper Right now I average just over 4 hours a night. Most of the time, I do feel like it’s enough, but there are days it catches up to me.
Viper · M
@QueenOfTheNerds damn, I feel so bad for needing like 8-9 hours :(

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