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Bed around noon to 1pm and awake at 5:15 pm
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Viper · M
@SooperSarah is that enough sleep for you? :( Doesn't seem like enough.
@Viper it is. I tend to sleep longer on the weekends though
Viper · M
@SooperSarah hey if it works for you, I know one NFL coach was going to the doctor because he only slept four hours but he felt fine, and a doctor said if it doesn't bother you then just go with it.
eyeno · M
Don't have a set schedule, feel more rested with cat-naps...,
9.30pm, wake at 4am. I know I'm a psycho
Viper · M
@DrScissorhands 6.5 hours a sleep only? :(
@Viper Sometimes more but around that range 6-7 hours a day on average for me
Viper · M
@DrScissorhands I feel like I need so much more sleep than average
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
Viper · M
@QueenOfTheNerds looks like about 1:30 to about 6:30... 5 hours, do you feel like you get enough sleep?
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
@Viper Right now I average just over 4 hours a night. Most of the time, I do feel like it’s enough, but there are days it catches up to me.
Viper · M
@QueenOfTheNerds damn, I feel so bad for needing like 8-9 hours :(