PTSD related nausea. I don't know how to cope.
Still having my PTSD nausea. I have other PTSD related symptoms, too graphic to mention. I am grateful for all the notes. I have no idea how to cure my nausea. I know it's psychological regarding my bad stomach and fast beating heart etc... too scared to go to doctor. The doctors where I live tend to either accuse patients of faking symptoms in order to get painkillers or they bluntly don't care. Hospital is not worth the time or money even with insurance. I'm documenting what I'm going through so that maybe if anybody else is suffering or has suffered through something similar maybe my writing will help them. The only way I am coping is imagining that the only plus side with my PTSD is that hopefully it may help me lose weight. Anybody is welcome to give advice. Just no insults or sarcasm please.