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How can you tell the difference between a hallucination and real voices

I might have schizophrenia or I'm being gangstalked
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riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
See I don’t like the medical labels that professionals label people especially what your talking about hearing voices .
Why if your hearing voices and having a medical label labelled on you that would frighten you even more .
I look at that as a spiritual attack .
First look at the reality 1st emit your attacked by people mentally .
2nd Ask yourself why if your getting attacked , if it’s real or not .
Why or my saying that cause if it’s real or not both of them can have the same effect on the mind . If your either creating the fear yourself or if someone else is . The same effect .
It’s mostly put down to traumatic events and that creates dread and I mean dread which then that leads to the mental chatter in the mind , and that’s why you get frightened cause you be questioning the mental health labels .
The labels then would knock your self esteem which then also creates mental chatter . Now your having 2 problems 1st the mental health labels and 2nd the way you view yourself over the mental chatter .
All of those labels then I’m afraid to say could make you suicidal, in order words bring you into despair, helplessness, hopeless , useless .
So you want to see are they real or not so that you can break the illusions of the mind and when you do that and when they come back in you catch yourself and say I’ve down this road before .
Then life gets a bit easier .
And my experience you get to trust in God more than people the way they view you .
You no longer afraid of the mental pain cause you have someone to believe in .
I hope you understand or got something from this cause I care about people when I here about people having mental health issues cause I seen it with people and it ends up leading them to death
Graylight · 51-55, F
@riseofthemachine No, it's first learning what schizophrenia is.
Then it's studying it to attempt to find its origins.
Then it's learning about the myriad of medications and interactions, mechanism of action.
Then it's research and replication so we know the science is good.
Then, of course, there's learning the diagnostic criteria and other disorders that may resemble it. This includes granular information and understanding of the process of reaching an accurate diagnosis.
Then it's choosing an appropriate and effective approach from the plethora of treatment styles. And utilizing one or more of them in the way in which it was meant to be applied. Of course, this has to be appropriate for that patient, which means taking a detailed and thorough family history, knowing what questions to ask and what symptoms to be aware of.
Then it's counseling and treatment and assessment, all within the parameters of professional ethical codes and strict medico-legal mandates.

That's why we have books. While a person with schizophrenia can be employed as anything, the fact is schizophrenia is incurable (right now) and difficult to manage. There simply aren't many therapists with schizophrenia to offer "experience".

What you offer is invaluable, and that's a view from the inside out. Speaking specifically about schizoaffective and schizophrenic disorders, this is rare and so important. Because you're correct about understanding from a human perspective. All the training I received had to "activated" with the 1st schizophrenic patient. And that's how experience starts to grow. Because we need to know if delusions are from depression, bipolar, delirium or dementia. We need to discern which of the 7 types of delusions are being experienced. And more.

Books or personal experience are wonderful tools for those in recovery and should abutt proper treatment. But without the right books in the right hands, there's no treatment at all.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@Graylight i agree with you 100% .
If your a qualified professional on what you speak , only suggesting , if I was you I’d try a 12 step program on that treatment as well as therapy.
You be surprised with the results .
A 12 step program is for addictions not saying people with that diagnosis has addictions but with the combination of 12 step program and therapy, you see results , and you can pick which 12 step program you take it from cause all of them are based to help you be free from grave emotional and mental disorders.
If your picky around the word addiction don’t try turn you off it and I promise and I mean I promise you’ll results if you try it .
12 step program and therapy . Look it up .
Come back to me if you get results that’s if your a professional and you see the happiness in other peoples lives cause most people need a 12 step program. It doesn’t necessarily mean addictions . You’ll see results
Graylight · 51-55, F
@riseofthemachine 12-Step saved my life. I can’t recommend it highly enough; both as a professional and a member.

What you say is absolutely right; 12-Step, in combination with CBT, is the statistically optimal approach. What we’re talking about here is fellowship and treatment. Treatment takes on the deep psychological aspects, medical management and mental health help. Fellowship doesn’t worry about that. It’s where people come together to feel seen, to be understood at a level that cuts right through everything else. It’s discussion about how people are doing and a place to meditate, listen to or just feeling safe. In those rooms, everyone knows who you are instantly and welcomes all.

We’re in the same room, you and I, simply in different chairs.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
By their probability. For example I have hallucinations and I sometimes hear strangers call my name in public repeatedly.

I know it's made up in my head cause a bunch of strangers have no idea who I am nor my name just like I don't know some strangers name either.

And it only happens when I'm severely anxious in crowded environments.

So the probability tells me it's not real.

Hallucinating isn't automatically schizophrenia though. You can hallucinate from drugs, trauma, or stress /sleep deprivation too which is the most common causes of hallucinations.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
One way is to have a trustable friend to help differentiate. That version can build trust by proving the hallucination, is a hallucination.

Also do YouTube search on 'handling hallucinations with Lewy body" and they will have lots of how- to. LBD is a different disease but also characterized by hallucinations and delusions.
TeirdalinFirefall · 31-35, M
Get a recorder?
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Queendragonfly’s advice is very good as well as people’s suggestions to rely on sources than van help you variety if it’s real. I’ve heard good things about people using their video feature on their phone to confirm or acknowledge a hallucination.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
with some diseases, hallucinations and delusions are very real to the person who has them and can't be distinguished from reality. This may be a good time to see a neurologist.
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For me? If there is an actual person. Anything else is in my head.
Community resistance groups don't normally target drug addicts
Justintime88 · 41-45, M
@FaithdevidesusDeathunitesus how do you know I'm on drugs maybe your on drugs maybe the drugs are on us and are using our bodies and brains as a symbiote
YoMomma ·
The former is more likely than the latter .. what reason would a gang have to stalk you? You know? Seems more like paranoia
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Can you see or touch people???

If it's voices alone, then it's likely hallucinations.
Justintime88 · 41-45, M
@HootyTheNightOwl I've seen them as well
Justintime88 · 41-45, M
I've seen these people.and some of the voices are unfamiliar to it wrong to make someone believe they are scizo for any reason
A hallucination is not real but someone with schizophrenia wouldn't know that.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Spoiledbrat Yes, they would. Many schizophrenics understand the voices aren't legitimate but can't stop them anyway. In fact, schizophrenic people are the best measures of themselves because auditory and tactile hallucinations can't easily be picked up by observers.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Pay attention to ALL your senses. You have five of them, unless you are handicapped.

If it looks like a duck and smells like a duck and it sounds like a duck, it's very likely a duck! 😊🙃

Just add feels like a duck!

Taste, I don't recommend trying! 🤣
Renaci · 36-40
If you cant verify something with a source outside of yourself don't depend on it. Also use as much logic as you can. Seeing or hearing spiders talking to you doesn't reflect reality and you can trust that those are in your head. It gets more confusing when it is the voices of people. But are those people anywhere nearby to even speak? It's hard but there are a few things like this you can do. And always educate yourself on your condition. Knowledge is power.
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