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People want to Mention Mental Health.. but

Society as a whole is laughable.

People filled with uneducated opinions.

Mental Health only addressed when a school shooting happens, but psychology theories are "soft science" so people ignore the basic psychology 101 tips that can help save lives or even help them get a better understanding of human thoughts and behaviors.

People engaging the world through a cell phone and can't even Google their question, nah they got social media to validate their uneducated opinions.
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Graylight · 51-55, F
I don't disagree with you fundamentally. Online self-diagnosis is rampant. Mental health and the addictions field is becoming a commision-based, for-profit business that's now selling subscriptions to get meds and see a counselor remotely that 1) may not be adequately trained or 2) makes their living on how much they can sell services. We heard "more awareness about mental health" as "Quick! Everyone make up the fastest, easiest way to drum up business."

Diagnosis is not a simple skill. It takes years to learn to do well and with acumen. First, there's separating the "common traits" for the actual criteria to meet the threshold of a mental disorder. Then there's the gathering of all supporting information regarding lifestyle, childhood, etc. Then we work to come up with the closest diagnosis possible. This requires considering context, pattern, history and overlapping characteristics that can also be found in other disorders. Then any closely related disorders or medical conditions must be ruled out. That renders a diagnosis, but even then that diagnosis may be altered to fit into a "billable" category.

And what I want so much to tell kids who are applying all kinds of labels to themselves that, once diagnosed, that becomes part of your health record for good. When you're asked on a job application if you've ever dealt with mental health issues, you must answer "yes." All new doctors will have access to it and health insurance may not cover treatment, something you'll need if prescribed meds. Once a label like this is affixed, it does not come off. That's fine if that label actually fits, but it'd be a shame to be labeled with an anxiety disorder because you were a nervous teen.

Incidentally, a "soft science" only means research are less rigidly required to follow the scientific method in some instances. This is true because while medicine and geography work with standards of numbers, much psychological work is qualitative, exploring the "why" as much as the 'what.' That gap is closing with the advent of new research.

Mental health requires research in the area of gender studies and diversity. We are well aware that men often get overlooked because they don't share their symptoms nearly as often. This is a societal issue, one of male socialization.

All science changes on a constant basis. That's what learning is. They're proving old theories wrong with quantum physics, we now know cholesterol is as much a genetic factor as is diet. And we understand it's not bad spirits infecting the brain of a "touched" person.

I would suggest that no advice of any manner at all be followed until one can properly vet that site and person. Until then, we're making strides in focusing a mental health in earlier age groups, increasing the outreach available and undertaking new experiments every day. This isn't a hill to climb, it's a whole world to traverse. A whole world which your primary doctor, incidentally, studied for a semester. They are physicians, they are not experts in mental health unless they so specialized. Even then all they'll do is either refer you or drug you. See a qualified person trained in mental health.
Shadyglow · F
@Graylight mental health in AMERIKKKA is just another spelling for FASCISM

face it, why is this VILE racket EXEMPT when all else is part of it?


by the way, every time I see a person who is already in good shape they always try to savage people like me who actually know the truth about what REALLY happens to ameriKKK's psycho-rejects


also some people are just so "moral" about this evil.... I have to talk to them this way

They don't know anything cause they are soooooo "moral" (endorsing the status quo cause they dont know what they are blabbing about)
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Will you elaborate? What topics do you think people are misinformed about?. I’m not disagreeing. There’s just so much to cover that you could be referring to a lot of different things.

The schools where I live are putting more effort into preemptive mental health supports and emotional development into the curriculum though for all students, which is pretty cool.
CheshireAzur · 36-40, F
@TexChik Projection at its finest. 🤣👍🏽
TexChik · F
@WhateverWorks You think?
Do you? I wonder. Riiiight, a centrist. 🙄 You people always deny who you are.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
@TexChik 🤷🏻‍♀️ if you say so. From my experience, being a centrist means you can’t talk to red or blue for more than 15 minutes about your views without pissing someone off. I live in a very blue state. If I were actually liberal things would be easier lol..
TexChik · F
Mental health is still largely an unsure science. The biggest problem now is that leftist woke politics has corrupted mental health studies and is using its woke premises to flood the field with unproven data that was designed to advance the woke agenda. Institutional Psychiatry is going to say what the leftist politicians pay them to say. You have to look to private practice Psychiatrists for more fact-based information and ideas, but they don't have the same access to the same financial support to conduct research and do studies. Until Obama arrived, for example, any person who believed altering their body would immediately change their biological sex was considered clinically insane. After Obama arrived, those Psychiatrists who believed that and worked in Medical Schools and hospitals were all fired. People now only blab what they hear some late-night host say or something they hear on the news. There is a complete lack of effort by anyone to get to the bottom of mental illness and provide predictable, long-lasting relief.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Hey I still didn’t get an answer to my Q 😆🤷🏻‍♀️. Reposting since It got waterlogged with bs.
Will you elaborate? What topics do you think people are misinformed about?. I’m not disagreeing. There’s just so much to cover that you could be referring to a lot of different things.

The schools where I live are putting more effort into preemptive mental health supports and emotional development into the curriculum though for all students, which is pretty cool.
RadioDust · 36-40, M
Honestly, the whole issue is a joke.
CheshireAzur · 36-40, F
@RadioDust A huge sad joke.
RadioDust · 36-40, M
@CheshireAzur what do you think about the men mental's month? They say it is overshadowed by pride month but in my opinion. It lacks awareness as I've only discovered it last year it existed
CheshireAzur · 36-40, F
@RadioDust Men's mental health is just as important and is often put in the back. Oh, in psychology there is huge evidence of the lack of awareness. Stigma on "manhood" and behaviors still strong in society.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
hee haww hee hawwww
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Personally I love American logic. "We want safety for our citizens. So let us have guns at home. Which gives school shooters easy acess to kill our kids"

Me in Europe:
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
even psychologists don't care about their jobs
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pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@Graylight I am talking about those who work for institutions. Not those in private practice.

The ones who take those jobs are in it for a quick buck. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to stomach the operating procedures of those institutions who basically operate a quickie clinic. Quick in quick out. Run to happy hour and laugh about it with your friends. Rinse and repeat.

Ok maybe 98%. are you a therapist of some kind?
Graylight · 51-55, F
@pancakeslam "Those jobs" pay an average of $34K a year here. What quick buck are you talking about again? When one chooses the mental health field and wellness field, they surrender to what will be a career of low pay or student loans forever.

There are some organizations who work mostly for profit with an eye toward the bottom line. Believe me, we're trying to rid the world of these. But thousands of other workers give up weekends, holidays, natural catastrophes with their families...all to minister to those in need of mental health guidance. They don't get 401K plans or Roth IRA's. They put up with dirty and sometime dangerous environments. They take the abuse a patient's family members will no longer tolerate. And they save lives. Each and every day. Not all, not even most, but some.

To answer your last, yes. And despite all those conditions, I choose still to work on the front lines because I once fought there, too. I'm not unique or singular - there are scores like me offering a hand out of the dark.

Yes, the industry, like any, if full of people who probably made a wrong career choice, but if you just look behind them, there are plenty of caring, skilled people. If your or a loved one's experience was poor, I'm sorry for that. Mental health should be exactly what that specific person needs. Anyone not willing to take the time to help figure out what that is doesn't belong in the game.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Plenty of morons in the world
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CheshireAzur · 36-40, F
@Shadyglow Issues, no favorites. I do prefer psychoanalysis.

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