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Agoraphobia ,Anxiety disorder and social phobia

I have suffered from these things for many years now. I feel my life has been severely limited by them. I have had therapy in the past for my anxiety but it never worked. I am currently on medication that has stopped working for me. I have tried alot of different medications over the years. I currently dont have much of a life and havent been outside for months. The last time i went out was June or July i believe.
The only person i see everyday is my partner who works fulltime to support us. Im lucky hes so understanding but i feel like a burden most of the time. He does everything that has to do with outside of the house.
I guess ive been quite bad for the last 6-7 years. Before that i was functioning better and coping ok.
I think i just got too depressed and let myself get worse. Battling my anxiety got so difficult i just stopped doing everything that scared me.
Is there anyone else out there suffering with the same things?
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LadyGrace · 70-79
As promised....
Ruth82 · 41-45, F
@LadyGrace Thanks so much
LadyGrace · 70-79
Graylight · 51-55, F
Medication is, at best, only half the answer and if you’re leaving your psychological needs to your primary physician, you’re trusting someone who has a single rotation through psych.

The gold standard for anxiety is talk therapy and practice of techniques and skills meant to relax and de-escalate.

Look into talking to a professional; do for yourself what you do for anyone else.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
I'm on the meds at the moment and there not working either . There after wearing away from years being on them .
I think everyone has social anxieties, your not alone with that at all .
I lost 3 stone in 6 months from anxieties at one stage .
I tried psychologists , shrinks , and basically there only a 50 minute talk for not being seen for 6 weeks again at a time . Your left with yourself again for the remainder of the time .
Will i tell you what helped me and it's a book for not just Alcoholics but for everyone. It's the big book for Alcoholics Anonymous and if you don't have a problem with Alcohol, replace it with what ever difficulties you have "we say people "
Like your powerless over people and your life is unmanageable "
In Alcoholics Anonymous they say were powerless over Alcohol and our lives have become unmanageable "
So replace it with what ever your powerless over , ans then work a 12 step program to what your powerless over and i promise you and i mean i promise you , your whole life will change around for the good.
All that depression will disappear, all the anxieties will lesson, all you have to do is apply it to what your powerless over , cause it looks like you be in control of your life isn't working for you .
The same as me until i applied that 12 step program into my life and the Big Book of Alcoholic Anonymous.
That book is worked through ever addiction you can think of .
Even the book that Melody Beattie brought out "Co Dependant No More "
That book is based on the Alcoholic Anonymous Big Book .
Thats where she got her ideas from and she's after helping millions including myself .
I hope i can get through to you .
That depression will disappear and the mental chatter in the mind will lesson
Ruth82 · 41-45, F
@riseofthemachine where do you get the alcoholics anonymous book from?
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@Ruth82 Try online Ruth .
It's a blue book and it's named Alcoholic Anonymous. I hope you get it . Im glad i got your attention about it 😊.
Best book i ever got , especially for all the stuff that block's the spirit
LadyGrace · 70-79
Aw, Ruth, I'm so sorry honey. I hope you are feeling better by now. We've got to figure out something to make you feel better. I just wrote something a little bit ago. Let me go get the link and give it to you. I'll be back. Hang in there friend!
Isthisit · F
Hey i have the same things. All of them. Maybe counselling would be a good idea for you, someone to talk to. I know it helped me. Youre lucky you have a supportive partner.
Talk to your doctor. Maybe a change in meds is needed or a different kind of therapy. Ask your husband to help you challenge yourself. I've had issues in the past that I know I'd never have done anything about if he hadn't pushed me. You can start small, if it's too hard to go to the shops, walk round the block. If that's too hard, coffee in the garden. Things get easier the more you do them but the most important thing is to try. Praying for you hun, look after yourself xxx
Ruth82 · 41-45, F
@SW-User Thanks so much
You are much more than your diagnosis than to limit yourself with it.
I deal with very much the same things.
I'm in therapy, addressing the causes.
Are you seeing a counselor?
Ruth82 · 41-45, F
@PhoenixPhail Not seeing a counselor at present. Have in the past but a while ago now.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Is there some common element, something that happened to start them off?
Ruth82 · 41-45, F
@Convivial Ive been anxious my whole life. I was in an abusive relationship for 14 years from the age of 17. That worsened it. Ive been out of that relationship for many years now though and should be over it. I think i have PTSD.
Convivial · 26-30, F
@Ruth82 not sure what to say...i have no experience with those... One thing i do know if you can make your future the one you want
Tukudo · 41-45, M
I had but recovered by active meditation technique. That worked for me.
Not much helps me either. I pray you get some peace.
revenant · F
Tell your doc that the medication is not working. Ask your doc if she knows anyone who is a specialist because most are not but will not tell you.
I currently dont have much of a life and havent been outside for months. The last time i went out was June or July i believe.

I’m so very sorry you suffer in such a way that it keeps you from actually leaving your home, what about trying it tomorrow… going outside for a bit of fresh air because seriously fresh air is a big help for anxiety plus the exercise will help you feel better too.

Whatever is telling you that you can’t do it is a lie … you can.

Finding that strength all starts with lil steps … from there it will get better in time just gotta believe it 💕

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