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What my stepdad fails to realize...

Mental health can be genetic (family history of mental health) or can be developed. I think he has an undiagnosed disorder, or is just one of those human beings who are just straight up nasty without reason.

He has anger issues, which will cause him to act like a child and throw temper tantrums.
I think he has undiagnosed ADHD (which is not something to be ashamed of having). A characteristic that may not have something to do with ADHD, but I am just going off my actions as someone with ADHD. He can't find an object that he uses almost everyday, so in order to look for said object, he'll put his liquor (actual white liquor or some whisky or vodak. He drinks all three of them) down to look for the object. After he tears the whole place down, looking for it, he finds it, leaves things as is and is now looking for his alcohol. Now here's something that I don't do: blame others for the reason why I lost my alcohol while tearing the whole place down to look for an everyday object.

He also is quick to jump to conclusions after what he's making the situation out to be, different than it is. (Probably not mental health related, but is probably pretty common among people who thinks they are right about everything).
I know I may hate the man, but every since I was 16, his mental well-being has started to rise some questions for me. When you're around him, it'll feel like he's stuck in the 80's or something.

He also uses the term, 'Mental health' to describe things that he doesn't see as "normal."
My siblings and I (already graduated) went to the same alternative school. It's an alternative school for people who is associated with or goes to community mental health, for kids who has been "kicked out" of school due to mental health reasons, regardless if they broke the law like starting a fight at school or running from the cops or anything outlaw. You can be sent to RYDC or YDC and will still have to attend to the alternative school until someone who is in charge of enrolling students into their home school sees reports of that child "acting normal" and will transfer them back into their home school.
How I got in there, it was my mom's fault. I was 11 or 12 and saw my mom as one of my support people, so I would tell her anything, even complain. I was getting bullied at school, so I told my mom that I was going to bring a knife to school to kill my bullies. The next morning, just before standing outside, waiting for the bus, I went into the kitchen and was about to grab one of the kitchen knives. I paused because I remember that our school had walkthrough metal detectors and I know that there's a 50/50 chance that if I had brought the knife to school, I would probably get caught, so I didn't risk it and just didn't act on my feelings. I went to school with a breeze, though everything was still the same as my usual school days. Then I got called to the school's sheriff's office (middle school, 1st year) and they asked me if I had brought a knife to school. I was honest with it, and said no. They searched my bag, asked me what had been going on and told me that someone had called the school, informing them that I was bringing a weapon to school. At the time, I didn't know what the big deal was and why I had to be sent to a mental hospital and have to go to another school. I later found out that my mother is the only person who I told my thoughts to and that she basically ruined my school life. I couldn't even go back to regular school due to one damn thing: sleeping. What else you're going to expect a child to do after completing all of her work with nothing to do afterwards? Color a coloring page? Do word searches? Don't you know how tiring (not sleepy tired) that'll becoming if I just had my head down, looking at a piece of paper for the next 30 minutes of class? I did graduate high school with my regular school seniors, and I was able to go to prom. Though I wish I could have went to high school. I lack proper high school knowledge and experience. In the alternative school, the teachers don't teach. They sit on their asses all day, either conversing with the second teacher, or on their phone or computers. Yet, somehow I lack the proper knowledge and a few vocabulary words, but I'm still a bit smart, despite me being diagnosed with MID (mild intellectual disability), which for some of you who don't know, it's one of the safe/inoffensive words for retardation.
Anyway, my stepdad would call the alternative school, a mental health school and going to say that all of the kids there has the speech of the disabled children (that don't even go there). He generalized the alternative school, calling them crazy and mental health. Yeah, we may be mental health, but that doesn't give you the right to make fun of disabled people, let alone the physical ones. He thought that was so funny. It's already bad enough that he can't even tell the difference between physically disabled and mentally disabled.
Now, I am no doctor nor a mental health expert, but I am aware that I am not the best person to interpret someone's actions and try to figure out their diagnosis.
I can't get him a therapist when he won't even attend his appointments. Not that I tried, he'll literally go into denial that he has undiagnosed mental health.
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Graylight · 51-55, F
My friend, for someone who’s had such a road, you should be proud of your progress. But the world of mental health is vast, so let’s start with basics:

The tools offered you, which you picked up, are for you alone; they can’t save anyone else from themselves. Each person has to pick up their own tools.

That said, there’s a simple meditation recovering addicts use that really suits anyone’s life. “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Trick is, the only thing you can change at all is yourself. For the others in your life, you need serenity.

Your father may never change; believe me, he knows he needs to. But that doesn’t mean you can’t seek out education and happiness in your own life. When someone can’t walk a better road with us, sometimes we have to leave them behind.

Don’t give up. As keys and new tools appear, you get stronger.
Xalvadora · 18-21, F
@Graylight And that's anither thing. I am not allowing myself to be happy since I do not have freedom. Worrying about my stepdad wouldn't make freedom easier, it'll just drain me.
It is difficult for me to be proud of myself when I don’t see what I should be proud of. Yeah, I congratulate myself for being the only family member with patience and can try to see from different points of views/angles of a situation without trying to jump to conclusions, but I don’t see the whole picture for myself. I merely feel awful everyday since I was 10 years old and not once tried killing myself because of the way I feel. I know as a child that I was a bit troublesome, maybe that was because I lacked full understanding of things, to cause me to act out. Whereas a teenager, I get the full understanding and it's already too late to change my actions.
I am still a child; that's nothing to be proud of.

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