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I Think the Ignorance About Mental Health Issues Must End

I believe my sister is bi polar. If I were to guess. There is no diagnosis because she won't go to a psychologist.

She acts even and regularly sometimes but then she will act what I believe is manic. Super happy and talking about so many ideas like she knows how people should be and how she understands human enlightenment.

She also always goes on a random diet. This time it was a fish everyday diet.

So then all the sudden she said she felt like she was having an allergic reaction to eating so much fish. So she went to the hospital. And the doctor told her she was just fine and everything looked good.

I dont believe she has munchausen syndrome.

And he mentioned that it was anxiety.

And she got angry saying nobody believes people with mental illness and was yelling at him.

And she has a stiff neck so she believes she has viral meningitis.

She has no fever or anything and she's believed she has meningitis for 3 days.

Even though the doctors told her she was fine and everything.

And me and my mom keep explaining to her what meningitis is. And she just says not everyone has every symptom of meningitis.

And that we are going to feel guilty when she dies of meningitis.

She's going to her GP today and I wonder how she is going to react when the doctor also tells her that she's not sick.
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UpForItNow · 22-25, F
Weird and wonderful the variety of psychological disorders. I never would have believed in something as esoteric as Munchhausen's By Proxy until I witnessed my ex-wife exhibiting it in regard to my daughter. And bipolar, like car accidents not usually spoken of, is shockingly common.
acpguy · C
I would guess she might be a liberal..........this is normal for them.
Iamnotacat · 31-35, F
@acpguy lol... no everyone can have a mental illness....
acpguy · C
@Iamnotacat My wife tells me that all the time.
Sounds like she could have it alright.

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