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Vitamins supplements

I have vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin B12 and Ashwagandha vitamin. Does anyone know if they are all safe to take together as I’ve seen online that certain vitamins taken together work against each other.
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
Similar Worlds is a chat-group, NOT a medical-advice site, and if you want to find such advice on-line you need be very careful to select only sources you can trust. Not amateur blogs, individual experiences on site like this, or what are really only advertisements from snake-oil supplement sellers

You need establish if you genuinely need vitamin supplements, or if you would be better (financially as well as physically!) eating a decent diet instead.

Only your doctor can determine if you need supplements, which supplements to which dose rate; or to give alternative advice.


"Ashwagandha vitamin". Never heard of it. No such thing as "Ashwagandha vitamin" as such but it may contain certain vitamins.

Trying to learn about it, revealed only it being a fashionable plant extract but did not say what it contains. My search elicited more or less just screenfuls of advertisements for the stuff. Among these though were enough hints to suggest I am right not to take it. Like any medication it can have side-effects, and taking herbal extracts as well as proper vitamins supplements might fail by interaction.

What happens if you take over-doses of vitamins? It depends on the vitamin and dose of course. I know Vitamin A is toxic in heavy overdoses but I think small surpluses of other vitamins are just wasted.

So don't be an On-line Hypochondriac or pill-faddist, and if you have real medical concerns seek real medical advice.
Tamara68 · 56-60, F
For the B vitamins, you don't get too much too soon. But for vit. A and D, you should prevent overdose. If you take a multivitamin pil with all of the vitamins at about 100% of the recommended daily dose. You get the best amounts.

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