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thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
I like expected touch. Had too many hands laid on me for prayer and whatever against my will growing up and I'm weird about people being in my space now.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Unexpected touch from someone who I already know is in the room is fine, and in some cases wonderful.
But if I were to be touched when I thought I was alone, my "street smarts" as a former New Yorker would kick in!
But if I were to be touched when I thought I was alone, my "street smarts" as a former New Yorker would kick in!
I need to know before hand . They may fill out these forms in triplicate and mail them to me asap . It may be approx. 10 minutes long and no longer .
REMsleep · 41-45, F
I like secret touch and I'm not talking like necessarily dirty stuff but giving me a quick hug or squeeze when no one is watching but we are in a crowded place let's me know that despite all of the noise you are thinking of me.
I don't like a lot of PDA or big showy mushy stuff.
I don't like a lot of PDA or big showy mushy stuff.
Captainjackass · 31-35, M
I have hyper arousal which means Im always on alert. Plus all my years of martial arts training makes me react to unexpected things violently even when I don’t have warning.
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
I love it all, as long as it’s from the right person otherwise I don’t want to be touched much.
Northwest · M
If I already have a relationship with the person, then I welcome unexpected touch. Otherwise I don't touch, and I don't welcome being touched.
Silentpleasure · 31-35, F
So I am upgrading to tackle hugs.....also you may have to fight me to let go :D
BrandNewMan · M
Hugs always welcomed .. even spontaneous ones
bowman81 · M
I need to know or at least get a warning. 😳
My reaction might be more than you bargained for. 🥴
My reaction might be more than you bargained for. 🥴
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
Preferably 24 hours notice in writing, but failing that, unless it's family, ask first.
I need to know it's coming. I need someone in my space first. Touch my face first.
Unexpected touch puts me in a weird space.
Unexpected touch puts me in a weird space.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
I do not like surprised touches.

TurtlePink · 22-25, F
I like it unexpected and I like for the guy to just touch me wherever he wants instead of having boundaries
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
Depends on who is touching and where I am at!!
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
Physical contact is always coming.
Now you know ✌
Now you know ✌
Neoerectus · M
If a speeding bus, truck, car or train 'contact' none is welcome...
come2gether · 46-50, M
Of course, axes and wood chippers and the like
Wiseacre · F