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My heart isnt broken , it feels more like stepped on

Stepped on and ground into the dirt. He cheated multiple times and i had no idea about them. No clue. Not too long ago I was freaking out about messages he had going on with a female about hooking up with her. I made friends with her. He tricked her by acting like he was divorced. He wont have to trick them anymore. Now he'll be telling the truth. I wonder what it will feel like for him having short 2 hour screws in motels and apartments and then coming home to nothing. No attractive smart wife at home that loves him, no child at home unless its his parenting time? 15 years of sharing your life with another traded in for what? I wonder how good the dating scene is when you are low income and 53 years old? Being low income isnt fun but at least we had each other, our family, our pets, our future. I dont want to leave but i cant live like this either.
Busybee333 · 31-35, F Best Comment
I do not wish to confuse your personal life.. this is only what I think from my perspective.
The decision is entirely yours.

Although you are still feeling emotionally attached to him, it may be best to let him go and you might be able to breathe better without him (as crazy as it sounds).

Him doing these things behind your back means he is probably not fulfilled with his current life (maybe he does not realize the treasures he has, maybe he wants something else).
Maybe he wants to live detached, and by leaving, you can only free him. Maybe he needs to experience hooking up with the whole world to realize some things in life. It is up to him. You have no obligation to accept that behavior - he may later realize it was a mistake, but you do not have to wait for him..

The way I see it, even if you stay with him, you will still be feeling the same way and you will be unable to trust him again, which is the foundation of any strong relationship.
It is maybe best to leave him and have a chance at meeting someone who will be grateful to be with you every day, so much that he would not feel interested in other women (even the most passionate man, when in love, prefers to go to bed with the woman he loves).

A man that cheats, may not necessarily be "bad" as a person, but it does not excuse their behavior. If he is great in general but this broke all your trust, before leaving, you could lay the cards on the table, explain how you felt but also ask him to answer honestly about why he cheated.... Was there a problem that he could have told you about before it gets to cheating?

Maybe he was afraid to tell you something so he resorted to sleeping with other women behind your back (not that smart, I know). Even if he has some logical reason, you still don't have to feel pressured to accept this... this is so that you can understand exactly what happened better.

Even if you divorce, do it on a clean slate, say it all, hear it all.
It will help you have closure and move on.

*If he happens to be the aggressive type, forget what I said, write a long explanatory letter (optional) and move out by surprise. Let the lawyers handle the rest.

Sorry hun. Life moves forward. Make the most of it from here in.
morrgin · F
@sensualbilez i dont want to move forward by myself. He has always been with me
Find someone that is worthy to move forward with. You are an amazing woman and you deserve the best.
HappyCamper74 · 46-50, M
I'm sorry this happened to you. But, good for you for not putting up with it. 15 years, a child and pets. He has broken your what should be happy home. Take your house and make him pay child support and alimony if possible. Have your lawyers go after him hard and heavy.
HappyCamper74 · 46-50, M
@morrgin I don't mean to come across as if I fully understand your situation. Had y'all just grown apart and fell out of love and one of you asked for a divorce, I would never say to go after him financially. But, a longtime cheater deserves to pay until it hurts for what they have done imo.
morrgin · F
@HappyCamper74 i dont think its possible to teach anyone else a lesson. Seems like it eventually comes to them after a period of time like when they finally notice things arent going the way they planned and they have no one else around to blame but themselves
HappyCamper74 · 46-50, M
@morrgin you're probably right. Just look after yourself. Hire yourself the best lawyer possible. Someone who is going to have your best interest in mind.

If you ever need someone to talk to orca shoulder to cry on, you can always message me.

Best wishes
Kyle1791 · 31-35, M
I know it seems like he is everything you wanted to live with but hes not. If he cant see how beautiful and special that you are than hes not the one. Keep your head up and the right guy will find you. Dont lose faith
Nick1 · 61-69, M
Sorry to hear. Hope you will be able to stand up again and move on. We are here to help you recover and be strong.
morrgin · F
@Nick1 thank you
Nick1 · 61-69, M
@morrgin You welcome. You deserve happiness.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
I feel you. I'm sorry.
boondock3737 · 46-50, M
I am very sorry to hear about this.

One day this will be a distant memory that you contemplate with more insight on.

Until that day, I wish you well on the healing process. You will be in a better place again. One thing at a time.
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GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
So sorry you are going through this. Time to take care of yourself.
Wishing you all the very best
Hugs 🤗
nameless1 · 36-40
And if you stay he is still gonna cheat and you wont know about it. Leave his sorry ass. He didnt care about you.
CultOfPersonality · 36-40, M
So sorry this happened to you
morrgin · F
@CultOfPersonality thx me too
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
morrgin · F
@Virgo79 feels like i lost
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@morrgin in that situation i think you won, you'll be better off in time🙂
lost213 · 46-50, M
Im sorry you are going through this.
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
I am so sorry that this is happening to you and your child.

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