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Can we talk about 'the Love in Our Lifetime' that we could never seem to get over.

Poll - Total Votes: 12
Eventually we do get over the lover we struggled most to forget
We never get over them , it's just not possible
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There appears to be several ways we can make peace with the fact.
Which of these ways would be the best do you think?

How long does it take? ... or do you think that we never actually get over them?
We get over them when:

We come to realize they really weren't meant for us or it would have worked.

It wasn't about us. Everyone has different preferences and that's okay.

This person was emotionally unavailable.

Better to find out now than after marriage.

It really wasn't the person we were mourning over, but what we thought we had.

It's never good to force a relationship. That's not love.
ElRengo · 70-79, M

No, kind lady, I´m not at all angry with you, I have no reason for!

Of course we all have some focus and filters based on our personal experiences.
I was just pointing to another case, a personal one, with no necessary contradictions with other ones.

About assumptions..........are the ones implicit in the choice of words and concepts like in
"Or when we love ourself enough to move on and don't allow our past to predict our future?"
I´m not debating about, just said I do not share them.
@ElRengo That's no problem. When I said when we love ourself enough to move on, I was speaking about moving on from situations like abuse.
ElRengo · 70-79, M
Agree, that´s a sadly too common case.
Reject · 26-30, M
Time doesn’t heal wounds. It only teaches us how to live with the pain.
ElRengo · 70-79, M
@ElRengo I've had plenty of my own as well.
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
I just wonder if somtimes we are missing a trick in that 'a fully fledged Romantic relationship ' was what it was meant to be @ Lady Grace touches on that point. Yes we felt at home with them .

But the story didnt have to end there. From my own personal experience i was married for 18yrs divorced 7 years. If anyone had said to me at the time my divorcing him. Once the dust had settled you both remain very good friends.

I would have thought ' thats a bloody good joke' yet that is actually what ex went on to remarry did I yet we retaining our relationship as friends.

I wonder how many lost lovers had even considered remaining in each others lives. In a lovely but non romantic way?

I suspect not many. .. and thats why there is rarely any closure.
See losing a lost love ..can be on par with losing a lifetime friend 🧡

Just ' maybe before drawing a line more couples should have a conversation around retaining companionship as opposed to a anything else.

Just a week or so back I spoke briefly with the man i had loved, & of course all the usual..where it might have been years , but felt like yesterday. Was present , but more than that there was this overwhelming feeling, that when we said goodbye.. i was going to miss his company..again 😪

The last time we were in company shared a bottle of ' whisky' didnt get paralytic.. just talked. Thats what I miss about him .

Still.. I'm pretty certain its the same for others . Relegating ' past loves to an uptodate friendship.. might be the trick we are all missing. 🤷
There’s really no set timetable for getting over them. They’ll always be a part of you but living a good life and having positive distractions can help the time pass and make their absence less painful.
ElRengo · 70-79, M
Can´t say about others, so I declined to vote.
In my only personal experience I don´t want and neither need to "get over" what I once had.
Is part of my life, a significative part of it even if for not so long years.
Peace is a good thing but not IMO the most important.
Pain is not the best but is neither the worst.
Her memories are with me now and I hope this will remain so for all the years to come and till they end.
I know that you or anyone else won’t be sad forever. We might not move on entirely but we do accept and it’s a way of moving on. It doesn’t mean we forget.
It's been over 30 years and I still think of her daily. I know we are both totally different ppl now, but I always wonder what could've been.
Melissa501 · 36-40, F
I dont think it's possible to get over them. I have been trying for several years. And it hasnt gotten any easier either.
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
Accept the fact that some things you will never figure out or make right.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
I got over it easily. It took exactly five years.

That’s when the alimony ended.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Neither option. The only way to get over it is to find someone else.
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
I was a fool…lost her, and can never get her back.

I hear you 🌷

For me personally it was waking up to the knowledge that his personality and character wasn’t compatible with mine and even though I believe that opposites attract he would never step away from the toxic people around him to pursue someone like me further

He wasn’t going to be my knight in shining armour and yes despite the day and age we live in where feminism is popular’ I personally have no problem with being old fashioned…

I wanted to cook for him , love him when he was sick … make love to him when he needed it … dance for him

But his world and the company he was surrounded by opposed to that because I didn’t fit into it I guess

On top of that I was dealing with something personal that he had ran out of patience with

It went from feeling like “ I’m so happy we met” to “it feels cruel that we ever met”

He lost me
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
@ThreeLittleBirds 🪷 so sorry

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