Also the first time i went fishing. My mom took us kids to a pond. I caught a goldfish lol. I was probably 5 yrs old. I dont remember if my mom kept it or not. I do remember having a goldfish tank but not sure. Out of all of us fishing im the only one that caught anything. It was exciting lol

Ok, it might seem strange, but the one that stands out strongest in my memory. The day I was helping my father remove our walkway from boring concrete slabs to where he spent hours trying to deal with drainage issues around the house, while replacing with interlocking brick. I remember him measuring the sand beneath those bricks, seeing water would be drained away while what they wanted was a more pretty walkway. I lost my toenail that day. I remember the incident. My father asking me to remove my shoe; that's when the pain se in, when I saw. The large concrete block caught my toe. It was a summer after, I don't entirely remember, feeling folly around friends for having to compensate for my broken toenail.
I used to love at the bus stop, knowing my siblings before had to deal with my dog dragging the cement brick to be with them, I didn't deal with this (as she was becoming weaker, I didn't understand then), and then playing skip rope waiting for the bus.
There's too many. 👍
I used to love at the bus stop, knowing my siblings before had to deal with my dog dragging the cement brick to be with them, I didn't deal with this (as she was becoming weaker, I didn't understand then), and then playing skip rope waiting for the bus.
There's too many. 👍
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Feeding ducks at the park
Riding bikes with the neighborhood kids.
Saturday morning cartoons.
Double Dutch on the playground.
Freeze tag, dodgeball, relay races.
A marathon I ran with a childhood friend and got tons of freebies afterwards.
Riding bikes with the neighborhood kids.
Saturday morning cartoons.
Double Dutch on the playground.
Freeze tag, dodgeball, relay races.
A marathon I ran with a childhood friend and got tons of freebies afterwards.

@iamnikki I liked recess at school. Found new ways of getting out of the classroom, even if it was for a short time

Walking to the ocean during big storms with my mom. Wind and rain and crashing swirling deadly waves. Watching her smile and her hair whipping. It was invigorating.

@SW-User Must be quite a sight. I like getting caught in the rain sometimes. It feels quite amazing
Wallflow3r · 26-30, F
@SW-User I have always wanted to walk near the ocean during a storm must be so nice!
Penny · 46-50, F
Well. I wasnt exactly a child but itd have to be the day i bought a copy of linda goodmans star signs at an airport store to read on the long flight. The long flight going overseas for the first time and listening to my music on my walkman. It was very exciting. I think i was at the end of ten years old traveling with myfamily moving to a different country.
Wallflow3r · 26-30, F
Riding bikes with friends, hanging out at the creek, playing street hockey 🏒, late night mischief with my brother, walks to the local convenient store for candy, My Super Nintendo, Watching the Cartoon Network, that dial up tone, knocking on random peoples doors to see if there kids wanted to come out and play, and making prank phone calls.
Such innocent simple days lol miss it.. 😢
Such innocent simple days lol miss it.. 😢

@Wallflow3r I really do too. Thank God we have a heart to keep our memories in
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
My mother singing to me…As small boy, she’d sit me on her lap, while she sang to me. She had the voice of an angel. She’s gone now….been gone a long time….but even now, all these years later….if I close my eyes I can still hear singing to me that old Louis Armstrong song “It’s A Wonderful World”.
I don't know if I have anything I would say was the greatest. Just a few nice things here and there amongst a very, very dark time. 😶
SethGreene531 · M
Christmases & first snowfalls; flying to visit relatives.

@SethGreene531 I always enjoy flying myself. Birds eye view of almost everything
SethGreene531 · M
@SW-User Agreed. It is a unique perspective!
SpicyMilk · 18-21, F
when my parents went with my sister and me to the trampoline park... so much fun

@SpicyMilk I think trampolines are cool 👍
LilPrincess · 46-50, F
Fishing trips with my dad...

@LilPrincess Me too those were the best times
LilPrincess · 46-50, F
@SW-User I still go to our fishing area just to sit and think about life at that time

@LilPrincess Good memories are always needed at times

@badminton I miss the drive in days
noexpectations1 · 41-45, M
Not paying bills...

@noexpectations1 That is a good one
Gumba1000 · M
Days out with my mum or grandparents