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it's the worst vent post I'll make here but I just want to say that , please don't gossip, it's more like a request, gossip doesn't help to connect

with people, it's more like a total wastage of time, you can't count on them, they don't care and most of the time I'll just sit silent and then feel guilty about why was I even listening to all this *hits , they say girls gossip a lot but it's not true always, I feel like a culprit, it's just useless, I shouldn't participate in gossips

If there's that much of a free time available just talk to people who care , fir example elders in family, ther must be someone who cares and waits for you and if you're that fateless like me then just meditate in silence, it's better to be alone and observe certain important things about life, you can think in deep, just don't waste your precious time n energy in useless gossips , it'll not lead you anywhere in life, its no achivement, it's nothing to brag about, they talk random and remember; it's a reminder, when you're absent you're also one of their topics, there's nothing honest, nothing to feel good, just don't gossip

be a bee
IndophileIndian · 31-35, M Best Comment
Take it in one ear and let it out the other.
Raaii · 22-25, F
@IndophileIndian there's a lot to learn from the Laughing Buddha 🙇‍♀️

I won't listen to people gossip. I don't usually hang around anyone like that either. Unless it's a serious situation, I keep other people's business out of my mouth.
Raaii · 22-25, F
@SW-User that's really great
I'm just a student here and sometimes I find myself in an unavoidable situation where I just can't move forward
It's like a peer pressure
I can't comment
But I listen then I'll feel bad
I really need to improve myself 🙇‍♀️
@Raaii Being stuck in those situations is frustrating. It happens at school, then it happens at work. It can be unavoidable. I am to the point I tell people I don't want to talk bad about others. It doesn't always go over well, but at least they know I'm not gossiping about them too.
Raaii · 22-25, F
@SW-User you're totally right
I really relate
I feel frustrated
Since I've grown up alone and I don't have that habit of talking about others with others
I'm an introvert
It's really hard and they'll call me oh you're an antisocial
I don't know what I should do
Most of the time when I'm very very down I've no idea what I should do
I feel better after having a good conversation with my elders in family
Mostly my grandma
Ofcourse now I've totally stopped talking/ gossiping
It's really good that now I can avoid
It's like I'm becoming stronger mentally but I've a long way to go
I've not completely overcame my fears yet🙇‍♀️
You need to start saving and start with new activities like traveling.
Raaii · 22-25, F
@Raaii good that you things cookie 🍪
Raaii · 22-25, F
G0ddess · F
I enjoyed reading it!
Lilnonames · F
They gossip about me all the time. But only after I block them
Lilnonames · F
Thank u😃
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Raaii · 22-25, F
@SW-User no it's not
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