Coralmist · 41-45, F
I rarely feel that, so thank you 🦋🌷
SpoiledRottenPassengerPrincess · 36-40, F
@Coralmist any time you need some love just let me know ❤
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@SpoiledRottenPassengerPrincess Aww ty M🌼🌿🤗
BeefySenpie · M
Sadly some of the kindest souls are not, but hopefully one day that'll change for them

Words long yearned for but never heard.
Not enough. I’m dying inside. I miss her so much.
SpoiledRottenPassengerPrincess · 36-40, F
@JustGoneNow I'm sorry you're hurting 💔
@SpoiledRottenPassengerPrincess I deserve it. It doesn’t matter.

Well isn't that precious
SirBenedictTheSecond · 22-25, M
Unfortunately 🙄🙄
Eclipsed · M
SpoiledRottenPassengerPrincess · 36-40, F
@Eclipsed I love you. You're thinking "You don't know me". But if people can hate for no reason, I can love ❤
Eclipsed · M
@SpoiledRottenPassengerPrincess that is very beautiful. I feel a bit teary now. Of course I love you too ❤️.
SpoiledRottenPassengerPrincess · 36-40, F
@Eclipsed ❤
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Whose spreading these rumors 🤨
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SpoiledRottenPassengerPrincess · 36-40, F
@PervertedPrincessOfDeath nope. I love you ❤
I actually quite enjoy your weird sense of humor 😉
I actually quite enjoy your weird sense of humor 😉