Poll - Total Votes: 47 See Poll Options
Adec757 · 51-55, M
Only 1 in socks, 14 bare foot!
Morvoren · F
Sleeping in socks gives me foot cramps.
SomeMichGuy · M
@Morvoren Really? Wow. Ok. Great reason to not do that!
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Bare unless I'm sick or it's really really cold.
YoMomma ·
Bare everything!! Jk
Bibipat · F
Bare unless really cold or sick
TahoeTN8 · 46-50, M
I sleep naked, completely Naked!
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@TahoeTN8 So do I.
KentuckyWildcats · M
It's bad luck to wear sox to bed if there's going to any sexual activity.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
People who sleep in socks must be the same ones who put milk in a cup of tea before hot water.. unthinkable
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MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F