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I Love Freedom

Women should be given the liberty to breastfeed in public
In most civilized countries they do have the liberty and right to do so anywhere its only some people who dont know the laws who have an issue with it
@pandora: so glad that you are passionate about something that should just be natural and not raise an eyebrow
@JoanieNewHampshire: yeah it kind of bugs me that its still a huge debate in media when its already allowed by law and they arent likely to change the laws back.
ahh I get it now, im tired lol
@pandora: I often wonder why it gets the media play it does. If people would just go about their own business and stay out of others, this world would be a happy place. To many people with obsessive compulsions to control things they have no business controlling.
I even see this in people who claim to be open minded and liberally progressive. People always saying "you shouldn't" really need to "think why not?".
Liberties are often never given, only taken!

I agree. A child should be fed whenever hungry. Even though there will be lots of sexual innuendos to your post I think it's a serious matter when people find it offensive for mothers to do so in public. A mother has every God given birthright to do so.
I totally agree
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Agreed but descretely
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Would be amazing to be able to do that dont you think?
for a new mother and child of course.
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Of course
Fredbloggs · 31-35, M
I agree. It's perfectly natural and not pornographic at all. It's not like you can see much anyway....
I'm wiling to breastfeed all the thirsty men in public
Goralski · 51-55, M
Especially their boyfriends
orangetaxi · 46-50, M
Rightie is the best
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Seems a bit unsightly for me. Maybe because Im still young.
Ive never seen a baby breastfed.
StormStrider · 46-50, M
Agreed!.and preferably without fear of being judged and without fear of being ogled too!
needsmilk808 · 56-60, M

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