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Do you like going clubbing/partying or do you prefer small gatherings in a bar or at home?

What do you prefer, house parties or clubs and bars? Do you prefer to stay home, or go out and drink/party?
I feel like all of my friends LOVE to go out and drink/party any chance they get and I'm just here having a good ol' time reading and cuddling my cats (I'm a 22 y.o. female). I've always been this way, and my SO is the same way, but I just feel like everyone else is always drinking or having fun without me. Does anyone else prefer staying at home rather than going out and drinking all the time? Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one... Do you like going to bars?
Personally, I don't understand the hype and reason why extroverts like bars so much. To me, a bar is just like standing on a crowded train except there's alcohol and music. I went to a bar last week with the gf and a friend of mine and it was so crowded, I could barely move. Some girl bumped into me and my drink spilled everywhere. Honestly, we were lucky to get a section where we could sit otherwise I would have been miserable all night. I just don't get the hype. It's a crowded environment with overpriced drinks and you can't even talk to anyone because it's too loud. I don't see what's supposed to be so fun about it. It's not like people are even doing anything to begin with. We're all just standing around like assholes pretending to dance to shitty music. Do you miss partying or clubbing... sometimes?
I don't really miss the weekly (or almost daily) partying or clubbing when I was younger. But every now and then, I will be drinking at home listening to some old tunes, and it makes me miss when I was younger and partying, when the world was my oyster. I wouldn't mind still doing it once or twice a year, but feel kinda old for it. Maybe it is nostalgia. Do you miss it sometimes? I like house parties better than going out to clubs and bars, but how do I find these kinds of parties?
I really like house party type parties where there is alcohol and music, but not so loud that you can't talk. For some reason I'm really good at meeting people in this type of situation. I do also like going out to bars and clubs, but less so. Unfortutely going out is always an option, but I have trouble finding parties to go to; I can find maybe one, max two parties a month now. I wish I enjoyed going out to clubs more! My friends love going out, and I love dressing up and pre-gaming, but then when we actually get to the club, I'll be so damn bored after 10 minutes! There's only so much vibing in a claustrophobic space where I can't hear what anyone is saying that I can take. I love house parties, most bars, dancing, drinking, concerts - just not clubbing! I've been choosing not to go out if I know it will be a club-heavy night, but then I feel left out and weird about it - but I know at 24 that if I haven't really enjoyed a single night out to a club after years of trying, that it's just not my thing. I really need to make some friends in my area who feel the same way. I used to love clubbing from ages 16-19. I'm a good heckin' dancer and me and the Brandons would go out and do our thang, I'd help them meet girls and they would keep random guys from bothering me. Once I left high school, the Brandons and I went our separate ways. I don't have anyone I trust enough to go out somewhere like that anymore, but that's ok. I like dancing at home by myself still and I look forward to weddings more! I have too much anxiety about being in public spaces. I can't stand crowds anymore because you never know when a crazy person will do something violent.
Clubs are typically loud, overcrowded, and have overwhelming flashing lights. I don't care for dancing or heavy drinking. The cover charge is usually more than I spend on drinks in a typical night. When clubbing, you're usually out pretty late, and I'm an early-to-bed, early-to-rise kind of girl. I also don't care for the way typical 'clubbing' outfits look on me. It's usually so warm inside because of all the people that when you go outside (to go to another club, usually) it feels like it is freezing. The men are aggressive, even if it's clear you are with someone.
I don't want to go to the student hotspot that plays chart music all night, where drinks cost a fortune, where I know I'll be sexually assaulted, where you look around and everyone seems really young, with my pal who's a sloppy drunk and will inevitably need watching all night, or that one who is only out to find a hookup, etc. I will happily get completely wrecked and pay high entry fees for that particular DJ I know I love, if I'm with pals that will dance the whole night away with me and then some, if the beer is cold and cheap, if the crowd has a really good vibe, etc. I'd say that's why I enjoy festivals so much too.
I enjoy it from time to time. But I’m very much the type to feed off the energy of people Im with. If I’m with my friends and everyone is having a good time, I would be havng fun with them no matter what.
I’m 22(m) and now that COVID vaccines are hitting most of the town I live in people are inviting me to clubs and stuff. I’m not against it but it’s loud, I don’t like dancing in the first place but the only “dancing” that people do is jumping around with their hands in the air and just be drunk. My friends all seem to like it so I’m not sure if I’m missing something or if it’s something I’m just too introverted to comprehend
As for dancing, just let the music flow through your body and let your body do what feels fun. You're not on some dance competition show. Nobody cares. And maybe you'll inspire some of the people that are still afraid to do it. There are relatively quiet spots, where people talk - find them. That's where the interesting talks happen. Typically there's one spot where singles (or people ditched by their dates) gather, and there's always a smokers' pit outside where people talk and get to know each other. Those are the places where you make new friends. Also, I'd suggest going without your friends a few times. That way you can be yourself, whatever self you want to be, and you're just among a bunch of strangers. Not family members that will bring up anything you do at every future family gathering. Not friends who will judge you and remember it in the future. Just strangers who don't know, don't care, and won't remember. You can relax and let loose. I'm pretty introverted, but I loved going to clubs because that was when you could put all that aside and just relax and just have fun.
You'd get all prepped with a bunch of friends to go on a mini late night adventure. Head down to the bars and clubs, meet up with other friends and find people you haven't seen in years. Everyone is super friendly and talkative after a few drinks. Dancing to the loud music that you feel through your body while drunk is an out of body experience. It just happens, don't think too hard about it, just feel it. You drop into a club and see some folks there, have a few drinks, dance to some songs you like, have a smoke, then leave to the next one for a switch in company and scenery. At each stop, you meet someone new and either dance, makeout, or talk with them. I've met some crazy interesting people I would have never met otherwise. As the night dies down and people get tired, you figure out how to close out. Usually would involve poutine for my group of friends. Nothing like people watching the latenight crowd at 2 or 3am while munching your poutine with friends.
Definitely not an every weekend thing for me (too heavy on the wallet and liver), but was an awesome time out with right group of people.
Invite 10 friends. Let them be there on Saturday 13:00, have a barbecue lunch, then poor in drinks and have a pool party till 20:00 or so (with appropriate pool music, towels prepared, sun bathing area, etc)... Then around 20:30 prepare dinner on the BBQ again... Change music to r/EDM ... Put TVs on inside and close all curtains and turn off most lights to create a club feeling. At around 2:00 (AM), change the outside music to chill pool music again. Turn the pool lights on. Now around this time you will have the clubbers inside, and the more chill people outside in the pool. (Watch your guests that go into the pool, as you don't know what they have consumed...)
At the start of semester, 2-3 times a week. Now I get discouraged from going out by the looming prospect of Friday night Dota with my friends. In many ways, online gaming is far more social that going to a club. I've met people from all over Europe online, and I play with many of them quite often. I've even met someone from Gagauzia! There's only like 2 good/decent clubs in my area anyway, and the ones my flatmates go to just play the same shit music every week.
There's not really a pub, or even bar culture here, at least among students, which is quite a shame since those cater to me much more. Beer on tap, some good banter, and a live band makes a good night in my book. Also, not saying I don't like the song, but what's up with Brits loving Mr.Brightside ? I've heard it literally on every single night out at every single club I've been to.
I've wound down now in my old age (mid-twenties) but a year or so ago it would usually be a few times a week. It depends on how busy you are, who you're hanging out with and what you're doing at the time. Sometimes it's easier on your schedule and lifestyle to just go down the pub rather than a club.
I don't really like going to clubs, I think it's too loud, I can't drink much alcohol and when the party "really gets going" I'm usually so done I'll go home early.
When I see pictures of my friends going out or partying I feel a sting of jealousy or something, because I understand how much they enjoy going wild, though I know I'll never feel that way - I'd just want to go home. I'd like to like to party if that makes sense. I'm just not that person. Does anyone relate? To this specific thing, or maybe with another subject?
I relate. I relate with this feeling in conjunction with almost anything that any other humans do. Another random example off the top of my head is social media for instance. I wish I got the same level of connectivity and fulfilment that most people seem to get with it. It seems to make them feel important, or at the very least, social. But I just find it to be a log of evidence as to why humans and our society are generally boring and dark. I wish I could just be content posting emojis and pictures of my dinner to a digital page. More related, I don't get drunkenness or alcohol. I wish I saw the merits of not being aware or in control of your functions. I wish I thought the idea of 'lowering your inhibitions' sounded like a good thing, like it does to most people.But inhibitions are what stop be from walking out in front of cars or sticking my hand into a powered toaster. Why would I want that precaution removed? I really wish I 'got' drinking.
I do enjoy a good club. I don't do much drinking and I know my limits, but I have been pretty plastered before. Not a fan of the feeling. I used to relate to your situation. Didn't like going out. Wanting to be at home all the time. I don't know what really changed. The girlfriend perhaps? She's really into going out to parties like that.
I never said I don't like partying (I'm also not OP). I actually do kinda like parties, but I don't get to go often because most of my close friends are similar to OP in that they don't like parties. We still go out often watching movies together or hanging out in pubs. I actually don't have a lot of real free time, though I do find a lot of time to waste on Reddit throughout the day... But when I do have some quality free time I like hanging out with said friends doing those non-party things. I also like movies and video games, recently got a Nintendo Switch and currently playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild which is awesome. Plus want to start dating, I'm 21 and feels it's really about time, but I don't encounter many girls I really want to ask out.
I do like dancing, but in the Netherlands "dancing at a club" usually means awkwardly bouncing in a tight pit of smelly drunk people. Sadly most Dutch people are too down to earth to really dance. There are a few dancing clubs, but they're not around my town and they're usually pretty expensive
I used to have extreme fomo so I was always going out. Recently I've stopped because drinking has really negative effects on me and I was fed up with paying for it the entire week. I deleted my snapchat so I don't see what people are doing and I just chill at home and smoke. It does seem boring sometimes but we just need friends that like to do the same things as us ya know.
I am not big on partying, but I definitely relate to the frustration of not having that social touchstone. It’s really hard for me to find people who I am both interested in getting to know and who aren’t totally weirded out by the fact that I am a dedicated martial artist/nerd. It’s one of the reasons why I appreciate spending time with my friends’ kids/kids in general since they actually think sword fighting is cool and we can talk about cartoons. Actually the highlight of my week was probably when I introduced this girl to HEMA and she tried to stab me with a rubber dagger like ten times or so.
I don’t enjoy being around people who are drunk at all! I find my patience wears super super thin. I went to a club once with my friends from work who wanted to celebrate an event and I didn’t drink and didn’t have a great time, I think clubbing/partying is something that is enhanced when you’re under the influence, maybe because of the experiences you feel as alcohol/drugs alter your sensations and perceptions? But for me, alcohol doesn’t taste good, I don’t want to be drunk and don’t find it fun, and I don’t want to babysit the people I’m with. I chose to lead a life without alcohol/drugs as I was around drinks a lot as a child and teenager, so it also just reminds me of a lot of things that I want to separate myself from.
I'm 25. I've only clubbed maybe a total of 6 times. It's fun to go out and dance, but the idea of clubbing, for some people, is to get dressed up, get shit-faced, and possibly laid. Then, do the same thing the following weekend. It's boring to be honest. Personally, when I went clubbing, it was with friends, and I danced the entire time. Didn't buy a drink. Didn't randomly approach some woman (although I was goose-necking the entire time lmao), but the people who go out all the time and do that kind of stuff tend to overdo it and it becomes boring. If you have hobbies, keep them. Clubbing, in today's world, is a waste. You're better off starting a book club or playing Dungeons and Dragons.
I don't like it, either. Only went once and that was enough to know it's not for me. What annoys me though is why the preference to not go clubbing somehow automatically makes you "boring". Like, why is that the only acceptable adult activity? Can't I enjoy my life the way I want to enjoy it? Some things people find boring are fun to me, so why does it matter? It's not like I'm forcing them to join me. Also, why do people think clubbing is the only way to meet someone? If I met a girl at a club, then she's probably not my type. She's not a bad person for clubbing, it's just I don't think I'm compatible with an extroverted party girl.
I’ve never been, but I’m married, so I’m not looking for anyone. I guess I might go to get the experience but I would probably have sensory overload and need to leave. I don’t know if it’s my scene. House parties are okay I guess. But I always feel weird and foggy. It’s good to know people though instead of worrying about strangers drugging me and hitting on me. Is it even appropriate for someone in a relationship to go to the club?
To dance for sure, but also I like the appeal of loud music, can’t play it that loud at home because of neighbors. I usually get to hear some new stuff, and a good DJ helps! Lots of times it’s good vibes, but if people get sloppy or whatnot, you can always bounce. Plus: you don’t have to clean up after like a house party.
I enjoy clubbing. That's because I like the music and I like getting drunk/spangled and dancing to it and I don't mind being crammed in. The appeal is the music, dancing, and drugs. I can definitely see how it doesn't appeal to everyone, though.
When I didn't have a job, didn't feel the pressure of responsibility, didn't have a girlfriend I used to go clubbing and dancing. A lot. This because at the time I just wanted to enjoy myself. I knew that I was young, I was in college and was meeting a lot of people. Also, in high school I was kind of shy, and in college my confidence was quite boosted. And since I didn't have a girlfriend, it was also another thing to consider (I used to think that if I stay at home at a Saturday night I could be missing a great opportunity to meet some hot or cool girl). Dancing is something I don't fancy, but (here alcohol helps a bit) when I'm having a good time with people and if the music is somewhat "calling" me, I just dance (even though I'm a terrible dancer), and enjoy it. But yeah, I understand why it isn't appealing. It's expensive, clubs are full of douche bags, the smell of tobacco is very annoying (where I live people smoke inside clubs), you need a lot of energy (where I come from people only go clubbing after 4am), and most of the times you don't get anything from it - when it's just not fun or you're too tired to have a good time. And I think that's why I nowadays just prefer to gather with my friends in a nice bar, have a beer and talk.
For me it's an escape from reality. A few hours just me, music and a lot of people with a similar mindset. I think the scene where I live is quite different from what is described here. It's not about finding a sex partner, it's more enjoying the music and dancing. Of course you will get to know some people and sometimes take someone home but thats not the main goal for most people.
Picture being drunk, which is generally a nice feeling. Now you're with your friends, but since you're drunk... they are now considered your best friends! Your happiness from being around these guys is multiplied by 10. Now you're in a club, and they're playing music you like... again multiplied because you're drunk! And now you, your friends are just letting yourselves go, ignoring all the trouble and worries of life and just enjoying good music, company and atmosphere.
Nightclubbing redditors; Why do you enjoy going out to nightclubs?
For redditors that go out to nightclubs: Why do you do it? What is enjoyable about it? What do you get from it? Why do people go out? This is just because i'm halfway through University, never having been to a nightclub before I came here, and the appeal of nightclubs and clubbing feels lost on me. I'm just looking to you wonderful people for the insight that I lack.
Sometimes I go solo, sometimes I go with just my boyfriend, sometimes I go out with a big group of friends. I get a little something different out of each situation -- some times it's just nice to have a 'me' night and abide by my own rules, not need to answer to anyone else. I go when I want, leave when I want and only need to answer to myself. Some times we might go to a fairly standard night-club, other times it's a loft-party, beach party, party under a bridge, party in a forest, some times it's a multi-day camping festival, some times it could be a midnight cruise on a tall-boat, or a sunny afternoon on a yatch. 99.9% of the reason I go is for the music - if I don't like the DJ/type of music playing, then chances are I won't go. I hate the 'Top-40' remix type clubs and avoid those, I hate the meat-market 'going to try and pick up' type clubs, and avoid those. There is something about being on the dance floor at 5am with everyone on the same page as you, lost in the music moving to the same beat.
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Casheyane · 31-35, F Best Comment
There's nothing with preferring a quiet environment over loud noises. It just means you're you.

Sometimes I too like quiet. Other times, I too wanna go out with friends. It depends on the mood. It's all okay.

Nightclubs arnt my thing at all.. too loud
Oster1 · M
I believe in home entertainment. I have large parties and cookouts! 😊
PetiteJulie01 · 22-25, F
I’ll be honest, I didn’t even bother reading all that. Clubbing and partying baby!!!! Whoooo!!!!!!!

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