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Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Why do we even still have beauty pageants is a better question.
SugarNotSpice · 18-21, F
@CestMananYeah, true. And I know that can go for people as well but it just seems... I don't know, rude, to be like, well they're real women but they're not attractive. As if that means they don't matter, or something.
I agree with the other thing you said.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@SugarNotSpice Kind of hard to explain what I am trying to say really.
SugarNotSpice · 18-21, F
@CestManan It's ok, I think I get it.

So a man has won a pageant that objectifies women .... hehehe I'd call this poetically ironic🤣
@Oster1 same. I don't do Facebook, or Twitter or anything else. I like this place for it's continuity and conversational emphasis .
Other sites are just too photo based or focused on view counts and friend base size.
Competition is an exhausting pass time 🙄
Oster1 · M
@OogieBoogie I could not agree more! I have never signed up for anything else before! 😊
They could fix all this issue and make beauty pageants open to everyone 🤷 -Men, women, trans ...people who identity as toasters or whatever.
Then everyone can be objectified equally

I do not think that is what they would want to hear. You do have a good point though.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
F@#king Ridiculous
SugarNotSpice · 18-21, F
I feel so sorry for all those beautiful women who entered a competition or females, only to lose to a man. What a slap in their face and to our gender this is.

To quote someone's twitter post:

"The agenda to push all things trans, is so powerful that real Women might as well give up, we now have a Trans woman winning Netherlands Miss Universe awards and will compete in
Miss Universe..

It is surely undeniable that this is being pushed by some very powerful groups."

CestManan · 46-50, F
@SugarNotSpice You would think if they wanted a trans woman as Miss Netherlands, they would pick one that was a bit more attractive. I mean which one of her parents was a horse exactly?
Carla · 61-69, F
Now a contest that objectifies women is objectifing women. What will be done?
Those poor straight guys won't know if they are jacking off to a woman born a male or a woman born female.
That makes them queer. It's part of the agenda you know.
This is what happens when liberals, leftists, progressives, socialists, sjw's, wokeists, or whatever they are calling themselves this week, are allowed to run roughshod, and most women support and vote liberalism. So there ya go.
Synyster · 51-55, M
The issue is the organization letting it happen, just like drags dancing half-nude in children's classrooms.
PeachyK · 100+, F
Wow. She's gorgeous. Good for her and Netherlands!!!
FreeSpirit1 · 51-55, F
That is fucked up. 🤷‍♀️
Scribbles · 36-40, F
In any competition, I've been in, I would want the winner to be the person who was the best.

Don't patronize all the women in the world by implying they have nothing left to call their own,

that their best in the competition had no value just because someone else won

or that they have nothing left to call their own unless they are completely segregated and isolated as a gender.

Or about objectification. It's fucking insulting.

America (USA) went through something similar with whites only.sports.teams and "colored" sports team. We grew and changed and reorganized sports when we realized what complete crap that was.

This is no different.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
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PatKirby · M
I don't really care to be honest's not much different then letting girls or women playing on predominantly men sports teams ....

This dude isn't hurting anyone by winning a beauty pageant * shrugs*
@SugarNotSpice same thing .

Meh ...everyone gets so bent out of shape over these things that just aren't worth the and let live
SugarNotSpice · 18-21, F
@SW-User People have suddenly stopped understanding what gender is. Men think it's okay to go into a womens public toilets because they "identify as a woman". It's absurd and is absolutely worth the energy to fight against it. I don't care if someone is trans but it's gotten way out of hand. Children at school are being "taught" about choosing your gender, as if you can just flip flop between the two... or however many there supposedly are now 🙄
Gender is like a persons sexuality, they're either straight, gay, etc. It's not a choice and neither is your gender. The next generation is going to be so damn confused if this goes on....
CestManan · 46-50, F
@SugarNotSpice Yeah people get upset about stuff like this these days.

I seem to remember a time when if a woman were to beat out men in something, it was this big joke, like, "She's showing you up, isn't she, boys?"

Or how the media would try to make men feel like less of a man.
It wasn't constant nor world wide news, but just any little dig they could get in to make men feel inferior like, "You got beat by a girl!" or whatever.

But now that stuff like this happens, it is this big tragedy.

Society wants to psychologically emasculate men, this type of thing is the result.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
They could rename the clitoris the penoris!
graphite · 61-69, M
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Beauty pageants are for men, not women. If they have worked out that they are actually more attracted to other men than women, perhaps they can stop pestering us now with their synthetic ideas of beauty 😌
They can call it all their own!

Just going to be in the record books MEN did it better!!!!!!!

Truly a sad awful thing that i pray will eventually change. In a word... disgusting!!!
CestManan · 46-50, F
@sunsporter1649 Yeah right, women for trump weight every bit as much as the biden trans ones.
theres better things to worry about, i promise you. how is your health?
SugarNotSpice · 18-21, F
@TurtleEclipseOfTheHeart So what if there are? That doesn't mean people can't discuss "lesser" problems, too.
@SugarNotSpice what’s the point tho?
TexChik · F
That’s only for us bonus hole people !
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@TexChik How many bonus holes does a man need?
TexChik · F
@Fungirlmmm he has none ! Apparently because trannys don’t have vaginas, we aren’t allowed to have one either
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@TexChik Oh I get it now. I read the whole thing wrong. :( Just another competition that young ladies will be at a disadvantage.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
anyone actually think she looks attractive?
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@SugarNotSpice I was just referring to her reference to manliness, which would be a manly competition.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@pancakeslam You got me there about how simp is a compliment around here. 😄

But the wood chopping comment - How come whenever a transgender person gets any sort of recognition, cis-men AND cis-women suddenly start feeling insecure in their own masculinity or femininity?

I remember a time (as you might too) when if a woman could beat a man in damn near anything, it was this big joke and often used to socially emasculate men. BUT, men never complained about that.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@CestManan I don't remember it being exactly like that, not really. Maybe men just had their shit together more in the past so it didn't phase them. Who knows. I don't remember a lot of tension between the sexes. Now it seems like women are way more overtly competitive.
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SugarNotSpice · 18-21, F
@MarmeeMarch It says nothing about those women. I looked it up and the female contests looked like beautiful women.
It does say a lot about the state of the world, though, as well as the judges. This only happened because this is what's in right now.
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