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I Finally Got The Yellow Jacket Nest Sprayed…

Bought a container of perimeter insecticide spray at the discount store for $5 the last time I went on $5 day. I don’t like using non-natural pesticides but for Yellow Jackets and other nasties on the outside of the house I will use it a couple times a year. It was the type that has a battery-operated sprayer. You have to take the battery cover off and turn the batteries around and put the cover back. When you turn it to the “On” position all you have to do is pull a trigger and a long steady stream of spray comes out. It was good enough to spray the ever-growing Yellow-Jacket nest. Some were flying around when I was spraying the perimeter. I came back and stood far enough back that they didn’t get me and quickly got around the corner of the house and left out the side gate.
4meAndyou · F
I have a yellow jacket nest inside the bricks near my sliding door, on the side of the building. They used to get into my apartment now and then, and I would find their dead bodies inside the slider tracks. I think maintenance finally sprayed the nest.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Not against the use of pesticides.

Just against the unnecessary "preventative" use of them.

So many will use that stuff just to prevent when there really isn't a problem. Especially around apartments and commercial buildings.

The darn stuff does kill other necessary insects and or things like worms.

When you actually have a infestation you must realize the infestation will attempt to either kill or get rid of other other critters. It's not just effecting you.

Infestations are a war against everything by shear numbers.
@cherokeepatti For ants get Terro. It’s simple syrup and borax. The ants are attracted to the simple syrup and bring it back to the nest. Shortly after they and the queen die. Any larvae that is born afterwards also finds the borax laden simple syrup in the nest and they too die. Colony is now kaput. For indoors place a few drops on paper wherever the ant trails are (and out of reach of pets) and let them feast. Works indoors and out
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@stratosranger I’ve bought and used those little pods that they feed on and they do work. We’re talking about a hundred or more anthills outside. They started rebuilding in the yards 2 or 3 years after that drought. I think the ones that survived did around the little ponds and lakes a few blocks from here and then migrated here.
Ahhh. OK. Yeah that would take a whole lot of Terro to rid yourself of all that. @cherokeepatti
PatKirby · M
Cool. You know in all the dozen years I've lived here I've never had to remove the yellow jacket nest(s) near the front door. When I trim the grass with the weed eater, or make lots of noise near them while doing something, they don't bother me. I do notice that they huddle in a group and stare at me when I'm within a few feet but I sense they somehow know I'll leave them alone. My sister however did become very afraid when near them one time and sure enough they stung her. I swear they can smell fear like dogs.
Tminus6453 · M
Best thing about yellow jacket spray is that is kills those bastards on contact so they have no chance to come after you
Tminus6453 · M
@cherokeepatti All you have to do is go near a yellow jackets nest and they will attack, i was moving irrigation pipe in a field on a farm back in highschool when i must of disturbed a nest and got stung by 3 of them
meggie · F
@cherokeepatti you are a kind woman
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@meggie they were coming inside the shop area (opened garage door) and drinking out of the Coke cans thrown in the trash. I felt sorry for them and wanted to give them something better.
RuyLopez · 56-60, M
Great way to get rid of the whole nest is to fill a bucket or a large cup about a 1/3 way and add dishwashing detergent enough to create suds. Just splash it on the nest. Wasps drop immediately and can not fly. Die shortly after. Nest is done also. At night is the best time as all the wasps will be there. Not exactly organic but not nearly as bad for you as insecticides.
meggie · F
@RuyLopez dishwashing detergent and water is good too to spray on aphids to kill them
I went through something like this a few months ago. I hate to use poisons and try every other option first. But they built this nest right in the middle of my backyard and nothing natural was putting an end to them. And they are very aggressive about protecting that nest. I had no choice but to resort to a poison foam that gets sprayed in the nest. Hated to do it.
Oster1 · M
I would run over the nest mowing unknowingly and be stung 10 or more times!

I would take the venom and it's natural high and scream out, YEAH, MOFO's! Is this all you have??????

It was Medicine, to me!
Andromedanian · 22-25, M
Have you ever been stung by one of them? Does it hurt as much as they say?
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Andromedanian I got stung about 14 years ago. It was the most painful sting I’ve ever had. I’ve been stung by wasps, honeybees, a hornet, sweat bees, a wheel bug and bitten by large red ants. My arm throbbed for days afterward and left a hard knot where I got stung.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Love those new containers
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@MarineBob I didn’t even check the bottle or realize it was a battery sprayer. I didn’t know till I went outside and tried to spray and then turned it around and looked closely. Very good concept.
Adrift · 61-69, F
I had an underground one that went pretty deep. Sprays werent getting to them.
They attacked my dog so I declared all out war.
I went out there after it got cold enough to freeze and went tawanda on the nest with a dig bar.
Found and killed the queen, hadnt had a problem with wasps since.
Azlotto · M
Give em hell.
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