I Finally Got The Yellow Jacket Nest Sprayed…
Bought a container of perimeter insecticide spray at the discount store for $5 the last time I went on $5 day. I don’t like using non-natural pesticides but for Yellow Jackets and other nasties on the outside of the house I will use it a couple times a year. It was the type that has a battery-operated sprayer. You have to take the battery cover off and turn the batteries around and put the cover back. When you turn it to the “On” position all you have to do is pull a trigger and a long steady stream of spray comes out. It was good enough to spray the ever-growing Yellow-Jacket nest. Some were flying around when I was spraying the perimeter. I came back and stood far enough back that they didn’t get me and quickly got around the corner of the house and left out the side gate.