@nightjourney But did u delete any of their post or the comments in ehich they including my name full on? No. Why? Cause i didn't report them?
Most likely. You can't expect us to delete content that is against our ToS if you don't report them.
Similar Worlds does not condone or allow anything that breaks our Terms of Service. If a user does inappropriate actions on SW, they alone are responsible for their actions. We simply attend to, and fix, rule breaking situations as soon as we become aware of them.
you be banning down to Earth people and leaving all the Karens.
We don't ban users "just because". In fact, we give MANY opportunities to users, before they even receive a Warning.
So, if you see a user being suspended, that's most likely because they've already received many warnings and did not improve their behaviors.
Just because a user that got a Warning plays victim and says "I did nothing wrong", or lies about the reason they got warned, it doesn't mean SW staff warned that user unfairly. Those users know very well why they got the warnings & restrictions, or the suspension.