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Stranger at door

Do you answer your door to strangers? I just had one knock on my door. I talked through the window next to the door and they were annoyed that I wouldn't open the door. That door is the only protection I have. I am completely vulnerable once I open it!
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Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I've had two very bad experiences answering the door so I only do it during the day but never at night unless I or one of the kids is expecting someone.

Four years ago a guy in his twenties came to my front door. It was dark outside and cold. I answered and he asked for Michael. I said sorry, there's no one that lives here by that name. He made a quarter turn to his left as though he was leaving and stopped. My heart sunk. I had a feeling he was going to push his way in otherwise why would he stop and pause like that. Just at that moment my crazy and super scary looking dog came running out of the kitchen down the hall toward the door barking like crazy. i slammed it shut.

When I was 12, I was home alone for about 20 minutes one Friday night because my dad went to pick my older sister up from her part time job. About five minutes after he left, someone came to the front door and rang the door bell non stop. I was in the basement, came upstairs, and opened the front door. We had a screen door that was locked. There was a guy in his twenties with dark curly hair and glasses and he was grabbing the screen door trying to open it. I slammed the front door shut and he was banging on the screen door and still ringing the bell. I ran to check that the garage and back doors were locked and that all the windows were locked. At this time he's banging on the living room window. then it all stopped for about five minutes. I thought he had left. Next thing I know he's banging on the back door and the kitchen window at the back of the house. I was so scared. This whole time my dog was barking like crazy. I grabbed the biggest knife and ran down to the basement and hid behind the furnace where I thought he would never see me if he got in. He continued banging at the back forever and then went back around to the front of the house to bang on the front windows and door. Then it all stopped for good. Five minutes later my dad and my sister came home and I was hysterical. It doesn't end there. A few days later, Monday or Tuesday, I was coming home and there were some guys working at the front of my house on something. I don't remember what they were hired to do. One of them looked me straight in the eye and stared at me. it was the guy from Friday night with the dark curly hair and glasses!!! I ran inside and told my mom that was him who tried to get into the house. She didn't really believe me and she went outside and said "did you come to the house Friday night and bang on the door and scare my daughter?" and of course he said no. Like he's actually going to admit it. She took his word over mine and that was the end of it. Well actually, I still have nightmares once in a while that he's there and I'm trying to lock the back door and windows and that back door just won't lock.
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Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@Stereoguy well that was typical of my parents. They never wanted to deal with anything. They were very good people but swept a lot of stuff under the rug that should have been dealt with
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sarabi · F
Just recently a scary experience. But I added surveillance cams
sarabi · F
@Stereoguy some lurker heavy-breather just beyond the yard fence. I have big dogs, I ain't alone, but still. Cameras are always plus.

On top, I plan on learning how to shoot this winter, so just in case if this world goes mad with the upcoming crisis.
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sarabi · F
@Stereoguy Yes, it's quite peaceful here, tbh, and this is a first one, but precautions never hurt. 😊
Muldoon · 56-60, M
I recommend to never open your door to an unknown person, man or woman.
Some do that to case a place then come back to break and enter. Some will have the man hide out of view and break in when the door is opened.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Muldoon It must be tiring living in a society where such events are common or even just believed to be common.
Muldoon · 56-60, M
@ninalanyon I bought a product from a walk up salesperson and he tried breaking in my home months later. I showed a cancelled check with his signature and was arrested off of that and his fingerprints on my window. He was wanted in 12 other break-ins.
curiosi · 61-69, F
@Muldoon That's what I am thinking as well.
4meAndyou · F
No, I do not. I don't open the door for my neighbors, whom I know fairly well, if they knock uninvited, or if I have a cold. I don't like spreading illnesses.

I have seen far too many spy movies where they stab people in the eye through the fish eye lens in the door...🤣🤣🤣. So I call out and ask who it is, and then I stand to one side of the door and explain why I am NOT opening the door.

Even if it's a friend or former friend, if they don't call first they are about as welcome as a skunk at a wedding.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
I usually pretend I’m not home… even though they can hear the chaos haha
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I don’t usually do that. It’s usually someone wanting me to buy something and I don’t even want to talk to them. There is a pesticide company that is very aggressive and if you answer the door they won’t just take a no they keep talking. Last time I thought it was someone else and he kept trying to make deals lower and lower including first application for free just to get me to sign a year contract. Next time if it happens I will tell them I am cooking and need to get back to the kitchen before something burns.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@4meAndyou They say they only use natural sprays now. And I don’t want to pay someone to do it for me. I can buy a lot of natural pesticide for what they want for a contract.
4meAndyou · F
@cherokeepatti I was supposed to be a joke...😉
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@4meAndyou well that’s exactly what I told the guy. They say they’ll climb on the roof and spray the fireplace chimney too. I sprayed inside the fireplace and that’ll have to do
Sometimes. Never after a certain time. No one has any business showing up uninvited past 8 pm.
Tminus6453 · M
Nope, never... sometimes i wont even open it to my neighbor
Never, if I'm not expecting someone I do not open the door
I don't feel the need anymore to go to the door. When I lived alone I had a male neighbor that would come out for something and gave no warning. He would walk into my house because the lock was loose. I fixed the lock myself. No more problems
Confined · 56-60, M
I put cameras in. I wont answer the door for any one these days unless they are expected. I had taken picture of some one who was banging on the door and put them on face book. Several people said they are selling some thing and would not take no for an answer.
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
One time I had to knock on a door late. I stood back from the door so as not to be threatening. at the time I was trying to help someone else.
Rickg · 31-35, M
Yea. Don’t open it. Good move. And call the cops if they don’t leave your doorway
Nope that’s why Ring was invented. I answer through my tiny camera speaker box and if you try anything I’m recording it the entire time and am behind a deadbolt.

If they were annoyed, then I would’ve been 10x ruder and asked why they are wasting my time.
Coisty · 51-55, M
It depends. If its late at night I ask what the fuck they want if its early like daytime or evenings I open the door and ask them what the fuck they want
Gangstress · 41-45, F
I would keep doing what you're doing. I often do the same where I live.
Most of the time I don't know where my key is anyway. So that's good lol
I would but that's probably because I don't live on my own. If I did, I'd be more cautious
curiosi · 61-69, F
@HijabaDabbaDoo I am 5'2 100lbs (7 stone). I couldn't fight anyone off.
No, I don’t answer or open door. There was a case in another state that in the broad day light like 1 pm a man opened the door and some high drug addict being high stabbed him to death, just because... Probably his drugs told him to go grab a butcher knife and stab the neighbor next door. Who knows.
Peaches · F
Yes, we live in a safe neighborhood where we know most of our neighbors. In the past I've lived in bad neighborhoods where I wouldn't. I'm glad to be gone from there!😎
eli1601 · 70-79, M
FurryFace · 61-69, M
i can see through the peep hole , if they hide i don't answer the door
acpguy · C
You should also have a stun gun and baseball bat nearby in case they kick the door in. In our case we have guns and my wife has gotten to be an excellent shot as I have trained her.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
That’s a bit crazy. Just open the door and don’t antagonise people who just want to complete their errand and be on their way
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@Stereoguy Smart woman.
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Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
Lol my husband says I’m paranoid but I won’t open it even for a delivery person unless I’m expecting an order. I just wait until they go away.

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