Rent-Free Thoughts (Venting)
From time to time, I still think about my recent ex and it absolutely sucks. How we ended could've been better and the closure wasn't there (halfy on me for going silent). I was mentually checked out for a couple of remaining months but still stuck to him, hoping, praying that our relationship would fix itself.
It didnt & I removed myself...
I still get dreams of him. I still think from time to time. Its almost like I'm stuck in limbo and I cant bring myself to the present at times.
Maybe..Im used to the gaslighting? Maybe.. Im used to the manipulation?
All n' all, I know stepping away was the better choice since mentally I just couldn't fight a battle that wasn't going anywhere. Im humble and I will fight for my relationships. But, after 2 years of a rollar coaster and him not giving me even barely 100% effort.... whew.
It sucks being a overthinker ;/
It didnt & I removed myself...
I still get dreams of him. I still think from time to time. Its almost like I'm stuck in limbo and I cant bring myself to the present at times.
Maybe..Im used to the gaslighting? Maybe.. Im used to the manipulation?
All n' all, I know stepping away was the better choice since mentally I just couldn't fight a battle that wasn't going anywhere. Im humble and I will fight for my relationships. But, after 2 years of a rollar coaster and him not giving me even barely 100% effort.... whew.
It sucks being a overthinker ;/