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Rent-Free Thoughts (Venting)

From time to time, I still think about my recent ex and it absolutely sucks. How we ended could've been better and the closure wasn't there (halfy on me for going silent). I was mentually checked out for a couple of remaining months but still stuck to him, hoping, praying that our relationship would fix itself.

It didnt & I removed myself...
I still get dreams of him. I still think from time to time. Its almost like I'm stuck in limbo and I cant bring myself to the present at times.
Maybe..Im used to the gaslighting? Maybe.. Im used to the manipulation?

All n' all, I know stepping away was the better choice since mentally I just couldn't fight a battle that wasn't going anywhere. Im humble and I will fight for my relationships. But, after 2 years of a rollar coaster and him not giving me even barely 100% effort.... whew.

It sucks being a overthinker ;/
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IamBack · 31-35, M
Fully understand where you’re coming from, I still think about my ex sometimes and wish I would’ve replied to her last massages where she was so abusive…

Much harder said than done but try not to let that consume you, sometimes moving on is the only option we have ❤‍🩹
It doesn't pay to dwell in the past. Two years? At least you learned a valuable lesson. You are free now to create the kind of life and find someone better to love you. Congratulations.

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