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i dont know anymore

i dont know whether i want to cry or be angry now because my dad saw my scars and he grabbed my arm and hit it saying and scolding me and he thinks im doing it for fun. im gonna cry.
Stephie · 22-25, F
If your dad would have been there when you needed him, he would no have scolded you because those scars are the result of silent calls for help.

Self-harm inflicting is a shout for help and those that love you (or at least are supposed to love you) should been the first ones to notice the signs that you are crying out for help and to respond to this signs.

Instead, your father blames you for doing what you did rather than to be understanding and asking you how HE could help making you feel better.

You have all my sympathy for what you had and still endure.
RedGrizzly · 26-30, F
Is there anyone else you can turn to? He's ignorant and I don't like him hitting your arm. If you were my neighbor, I'd confront him on your behalf because that doesn't sit well with me. Anyways, is there anyone else because before you can get better or have the help you need there gotta be some one that's like a big sister or brother who'll make sure you do right by you.
Id want both
Bang5luts · M
You need to talk to someone. Even if it's a friend you can trust or a really close family member like grandma etc
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Nobody does that for fun. I don't know what he's thinking.
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rxfqqx · 13-15, F
@Motzu technically im not an adult yet but ok

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