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Can’t sleep because these ghetto morons have been setting off illegal fireworks in the neighborhood every single night

The loud boom just literally woke me up! I can’t wait to move out of this area already!

Sorry - rant over…
Shadyglow · F
dont have to be in a ghetto, my town houses smug managers in toxic industries and toxic "health" care etc and all their kids abuse us for DAYS around this time of year

July 4 is a ritual of happy noisy DEATH.

They are taught this is the meaning of freedom. The right to hurt the neighbors and their cats too.
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No need to be sorry for the rant.
I was still hearing fireworks in my neighborhood just last night.
I hope they'll stop that tonight. It's truly annoying.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
What state do you live in?
LiLShrimp · 22-25, F
@badminton California. But it’s the city that’s the problem
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LiLShrimp · 22-25, F
@badminton Yeah, SF is one of the cities in Cali that I definitely don’t wanna live in. 😅
Baby you're a fireeeeworkkkk 😗🎶
LiLShrimp · 22-25, F
@TunaBotDimwit Aw hell naw
@LiLShrimp Don't hate ✋
LemonWorld · F
I hate that! Especially the poor pets and vets 😭

Only sparklers for me
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
I hope you don't have to wait long to escape
Mudkip · 31-35, M
Gd hooligans 😡
tenente · 100+, M
not many stars in that galaxy 🙄
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LiLShrimp · 22-25, F
@Threepio Couldn’t have put it better myself
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