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Why should I stay..?

Like, I want to kill myself but, I don't want to leave my sister alone... But, why should I keep going?
Memeboy14 · 13-15, M
Your life is precious and a gift,your sister needs you ,and you need yourself be safe 🙏
MiraRoss · 31-35, F
Everyone has a role in life, we all pass of in the end but why end your life when people every day fight to live with cancer and illness
Yes life is hard but don't give up you will be stronger in the end life is just challenging you keep fighting and if you ever need to speak to someone speak up don't keep quiet as that is your enemy
SaDkiM · 13-15, F
For your sister think of her

Life is like roller coaster, It has its ups & downs. But it's your choice to scream or enjoy the ride.

"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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