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july 23 2023

while i was getting ready for a trip i forgot that i let my cat outside so i went outside and tried to look for her so we could take her to the trip with us that’s when my neighbor stopped me and told me if i was looking for a cat i said yes and she said that a cat was in her backyard so she let me in her backyard and i saw my cat laying in the dirt meowing and when i got closer she had scratches in her ears,paws, and some on her stomach i didn’t know what to do so i told my neighbor i would be right back so i could call my parents for help, my parents went with me and my dad saw the cat and told me she would be fine, i stood up and saw a white cat close to me looking at my cat i didn’t know what to do my parents took it inside the house my cat couldn’t move and kept meowing my parents just told me to wait and that we would take her to the vent tomorrow morning but in a hour i saw that my cat stopped meowing and when i saw her she wasn’t breathing and her eyes were wide open i started bawling my eyes out bc in that moment i realize that she had died i feel so guilty because if i just haven’t let her out that day she would still be with me.
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Busybee333 · 31-35, F
I am sorry for your loss :'(
Your dad seems to have overlooked something critical, may have been an internal injury. The cat must have been in one hectic big fight :( Don't blame yourselves - even if you had went to the vet right away, there is no guarantee that you would have been able to save it on time... at least it was home, with his family, and not alone in the dirt :'( As raw and brutal as it sounds, you can find solace in that your loved pet is no longer suffering. Also, energy is never lost, only transformed. Just because you can't be with your cat anymore in this physical way doesn't mean its' soul/energy is erased. It is most likely in the universe,though in another form and/or dimension. If rebirth is possible, it may have been already reborn. I know nothing, it is only a speculation, that keeps me sane with losses and I hope it gives some comfort
kiwi282 · 16-17, F
@Busybee333 i’m thankful for all of you guys comforting me it has made me feel better about the situation. \(^_^)/ ❤️
unnasana · 18-21, F
im so sorry. you cant blame yourself! losing a pet is always so heart breaking. i hope youre ok, please reach out to me or a friend if u ever need someone to talk to! im sorry for your loss ♥
kiwi282 · 16-17, F
@unnasana ty sm🤗
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
I tried to message you but it didn't work.

I apologize for the insensitive question but I have a reason to ask (you do not have to answer if you don't want to):

What color(s) was your cat's fur?

*The feeling of loss is inerasable; however, love in our heart is alive forever, regardless of the time/distance/dimensions that may separate us.

Take time to grieve, but also take good care and be gentle with yourself.

It will hurt. Cry. Let it all out. But remember, you are strong.
You will survive and you will live the best way you can (live double the best, for both of you).
kiwi282 · 16-17, F
@Busybee333 ty for comforting me!🤗 but my cats fur was like a orange cream color
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
@kiwi282 The day I read your post I dreamed about a cat. It's fur was white with orange patches. It looked at me, it was calm and cuddly. When I woke up I thought I had to ask you because if it has the same description, maybe it is a message for you through my dream. If it didn't have the same description, it means it was just my mind that decided to dream about it 😆 If all of the fur was completely orange (no patches of different colors), then I guess it was my imagination.

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