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I love overhearing conversations

My brother has just recently skipped school. It wasn't that big of a deal, he overslept and my mom was pretty pissed. But again nothing big but he then decided to lie to my mom about it and is now in some trouble.
For a bit if background info, I've always had trouble taking sick days because the thinking that if I'm not absolutely miserable, then I don't deserve a break is just kind of rooted in my brain. Which is not good but manageable if your sick maybe once a year, but when you go to school sick and in pain...
I have become better at recognizing when to take a sick day or two and I've done my best to stay home in those cases.
I still feel like I don't deserve to rest because I'm missing school and stuff sometimes.

My brother has had his phone taken away from him for skipping school and refusing to do a few things he was supposed to. To that he screamed that I'm always on my phone and never get it taken away. To which my mom replied that I also don't skip school. He then yelled about how I just say I'm sick to get out of going to school.
This makes me feel so terrible and it just feels like all the progress might be destroyed because I now feel like I do something wrong when resting.
What should I do?

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