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Hanniico · 18-21, F
it’s hard when you don’t fit right in with people and feel lonely like that, Do you think it's time to seek out people who make you feel more appreciated/supported? and one advice I can give to you since i did experience something like that is you should never force yourself in a group where IT IS OKAY to let you feel that u don't belong in there, that will just drain your energy from everything. you'll realize all you did was impress people that don't add value in your life, and by being yourself you will find a friend that values you.

That does not sound like true friendship and sounds bad..not good for you..

I would leave that group if I was you and find new friends who are kind and have ur best interests at heart.

And blaming u for everything is not nice..not sure what's going on but no one deserves that.. as they might be at fault aswell.

Sorry that this is happening to you and I hope you find better friends soon. Have a good day.
@PrincessRoarBuddy awhh thanks
No problem.
Casheyane · F
Ghost them. The end.
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
@Casheyane Yep that's my favorite way of letting go of meanies.
Philth · 46-50, M
Have sufficient faith in yourself to walk away.
@Philth yep
Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
SpongeBob once asked Patrick, what if I break your trust one day? and Patrick replied, trusting you is my decision. proving me wrong is your choice.Aug 19, 2022
@Bandit2398 ig they proved me wrong to trust them
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
If you're unhappy with these friends, stop hanging around them. Find better friends. Don't put up with other people's bullshit.
Strict4u · 56-60, M
Sounds like they are not real friends walk away and find new friends
@Strict4u too scared:)
Strict4u · 56-60, M
@Ireallyneedcomfort don’t be scared they are not real friends
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
Leave. Find a new community.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Oh, so you're "that friend."
I agree with scribbles, those people aren't friends and they obviously don't understand what a friend should be. You would be better off alone free to meet really nice people who you get along with other than having those people dragging you down and upsetting you constantly
@SW-User im too scared to find other friends now
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