MysteryGirl · 22-25, F
I just got dumped not long ago and i still love my ex even tho he treats me like trash and made it clear he doesnt care about me :(
AstroZombie · 36-40, M
Take some time to get over him. If he cheated on you and made it clear he never cared about you, then you're better off finding someone who will treat you like you matter to them. Find someone who will be genuinely concerned when you're not ok and do what they can to help you.
Find someone who's always happy to see you, spend time with you and all that good stuff. BUT first things first. Mend that broken heart and make sure you're ready to move on.
Find someone who's always happy to see you, spend time with you and all that good stuff. BUT first things first. Mend that broken heart and make sure you're ready to move on.
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
Number one...You Over-Dosed ?
I Hope your Ok..
In past year i Know several that ODed and passed on
Number 2... seems your Ex was Simply using you and or doesnt know what to do or how to help with your over dosing is Likely Best You Move on
I Hope your Ok..
In past year i Know several that ODed and passed on
Number 2... seems your Ex was Simply using you and or doesnt know what to do or how to help with your over dosing is Likely Best You Move on
Temporallube · M
Focus on yourself. Self care is more important. If you’re not taken care of, how can you truly care for another in your best way?
Take care of you. And you may connect with someone who would appreciate you more.
Take care of you. And you may connect with someone who would appreciate you more.
nacnud · 36-40, M
First I hope you are okay following the overdose. Please look after yourself and if it's any type of addiction please seek advise.
Second you deserve someone better than him. He broke your trust multiple times through cheating and it is very hard to rebuild this once it is broken.
Second you deserve someone better than him. He broke your trust multiple times through cheating and it is very hard to rebuild this once it is broken.
Avocadolover · 16-17, F
I don't personally know what to do either, i had something similar happen and everyday i just tell myself that he wasn't worth my own thoughts anyway, i lie to myself to make the pain go away

He doesn't quote your worth. Only you do.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
What did you OD on?
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Move on.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Date his best friend
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Move on
MoonaNorth86 · 36-40, F
What do you think of course you should break up with him
TeirdalinFirefall · 31-35, M
He sounds like an absolute piece of crap, quite frankly.
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