Friendship Breakup
I am currently going through a friendship breakup. We’re both 26 and have been close since we were 19. This friendship has been the closest and most difficult one throughout the years. We know each others family, have been there for each other through hard life situations, boys, and pretty much everything. We have had our fights before.The last year has been the most difficult. I have never judged her and she was welcome to tell me anything she wanted. In the last year I found out she was having an affair with her boss who is married and has 3 young kids. She works with both him and his wife. She most definitely knows his kids too and has gotten to the point of picking them up if they need a ride etc. all while having this affair. Then she got pregnant. Her affair weighed super heavy on me. Only because I kept asking myself how she was able to face his wife and his children knowing she was having an affair with him. It hurts me that they are both hurting his wife and kids. She never listened to my advice of not pursuing this man. After this it became hard to trust her. I noticed more things, how she would talk shit about everyone, including her other friends. She would body shame other women, make really rude comments and say it’s a joke. Around a month ago, she tried involving me in her drama and I was not having it. So I went no contact. Have not spoken since. My life has been much more peaceful. Regardless of everything, I can’t help but miss the good parts of this friendship. If I could go back to 19, those were my happiest times for this friendship..