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He ruined my life

Ok so I dated this guy like 4 years ago, then he left me in ( probably) the worst way possible. After that, I became depressed and missed the school year. This happened next years too, so long I've lost 4 years. I got diagnosed w depression, anxiety, which triggered to develop a tda, an eating disorder, a brain failure non-receptive disease and several heart problems from the stress it put me on. Now, he started talking to me again, and he doesn't know abt any of these, I am feeling truly helpless against my emotional dependance from him while I slowly feel and notice how my body is becoming weak and getting sicker each second.
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riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Hi - It all sounds nice hearing from him again , but after reading your post id stay well clear of him .
In my case ill go back to myself . I was dating this woman for 4 years and she left me in the worst way possible , i was at my lowest when she left me . I was after getting harassed in a job by this man and then after being harassed i found out later after dating this woman 4 years , she done the dirt on me , with a person i was helping out . This person got me a job who she done the dirt on .
Your talking about emotional neglect. I KNEW SHE WAS DOING THE DIRT ON ME FOR THE BEST PART OF YEAR and i still stayed with her and she thought that i didn't know but i did . I flew half way across the world with her cause she wanted to try sort it out . She decided we go away abroad but her doing the dirt on me was still in my head when got abroad . So i questioned her over there about and she denied it . Half way across the world i was , going away from home for a year .
It lasted 5 days . I came back , lost 3500 grand over there , paid 800 for her flight back and 800 for my flight back . That was mid march - mid april . I Stayed with her for another 8 months after that until it got too toxic .
Will i tell you the good part .
After the break up ,3 months later i was going through emotional wthdrawl from the toxix relationship that i was in for 4 years , i ended up in a pysche ward 3 times in one year , at one stage i was in there 6 weeks .
There was good times in that relationship also , but i was going tnrough a constant nervous breakdown for a full year and half after we broke up .
After that when you start too feel good , thinking of the good times in relationships, in a subtle way you be thinking , that it was nt too bad and you'd end up wanting her again, but i akways think back to the pysche ward and the year and a half of utter pain afterwards .
See she was 19 and i was 25 there was a 6 year gap between us and i hold no grudges against her cause at that age she was she was only begining with life and everything passes .
Im single 13 years since and even with pain i go tbrough being on my own it's hell of lot better than being in a relationship.
It's nice when relationships are going well , that's lovely but i got too much of a fright from the last relationship i was in and im afraid to go back into another one cause i don't think i could go through the pain of that again .Suicidal for a year and half and i mean suicidal.
I hope you might get something from what i posted . All it is , is my experience, you might be able too deal with it better than i did
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WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
hun you need to block him and focus on getting yourself back to a stable health
@WolfGirlwh0r3 ☝️yup
Elysiia · 22-25, F
@WolfGirlwh0r3 i know, i did block him. He keeps finding a way to contact me and it triggers me
Block the Guy.

Distract yourself with studies or Job.
Speak to a friend.

Pick a dozen different with 10 seasons and binge them all for a few months.

You'll will eventually get over the guy.
There are other people deserves your attention love in this world.
Carissimi · F
Just remember one thing ... you are choosing this for yourself. It’s not on him, it’s on you. If you like being weak and sick then keep in contact with him. If you want to be healthy and well, and have future prospects, you block his number, and everything else that keeps you in contact with him. Maybe it’s not that he’s toxic, maybe you are toxic to yourself when you are in certain situations with certain people. If you are so dependent on him, you need to let him go, and work on yourself with some professional help, if you can.

It’s hard, and it will hurt terribly, but you have to work towards being stronger. Good luck!
Elysiia · 22-25, F
@Carissimi ye we are both extremely toxic the difference is he doesn't give a single fuck about his actions having consecuences and I am extremely emotional so I kinda know its my fault but still
Carissimi · F
The choice is entirely up to you. @Elysiia
eMortal · M
If you ever want to feel better again, stay away from him. He’s your trigger. You can’t possibly have a stable relationship with him when all you have inside is worries he’s gonna leave again.
Elysiia · 22-25, F
@eMortal i know, and I would love to do that but it just seems impossible
Wiseacre · F
OMG, pls visit a health professional!
Elysiia · 22-25, F
@Wiseacre I do, been doing it since I was 10.Im inmune to the medication
Wiseacre · F
Perhaps u could benefit from CBT or some unorthodox self help like EFT..look into it.@Elysiia
gdon39 · 46-50, M
Hi I’m gary. I’m very sorry about your depression and more. I struggle with that too, I am very confused, all I want to do is good for mankind and I still find myself in pain and no understanding.

I don’t sleep much and I love music. I think you and I may very well bring some understanding in a nut job world. Can we chat sometime?
Elysiia · 22-25, F
@gdon39 My first language isn't English so i didn't understand that quite well could you phrase it differently? Greetings

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