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I just can't do it anymore I wanted to claw my face apart at work due to stress and being overwhelmed.

My anxiety and all my mental health issues are crazy bad lately. I highkey want to see if I can get disability or something because it's not normal to have cried at work 3 times in the past week due to things not in my control.
Frostcloud · F

i hope tomorrow is an easier day for you. please take a break, if you can
Crimsondrops · 36-40, M
@Frostcloud Luckily I am off tomorrow thank goodness.
MostlyDogs · 100+
They don’t give disability out just because you can’t handle your emotions sorry. grow a pair and maybe life will become more managable. like for real dude I thought a teenage girl wrote this post. Are you serious
Crimsondrops · 36-40, M
@MostlyDogs I struggle with anxiety, depression and borderline personality disorder. It's not always so simple.
Renkon · 41-45, M
The good news is you can do something about it. Start with professional help. Don’t delay. You would be surprised that anxiety is as much a physical issue as psychological.
Dude be a man and toughen up omg lol 😆
Crimsondrops · 36-40, M
@starbucksgirly hooray for sexism

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