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How do I get past this feeling?

I feel like no matter how good I am to others, it will never be fully and genuinely returned.

I can be straight and honest with a perfect stranger. Because it's the right thing to do.

I feel like people really don't care.
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Notanymore · 41-45, M
Sometimes people don't think enough to care. Some people don't have the time or any emotional room to give their best to someone that's a stranger. Possibly because they're overwhelmed, like so many seem to be these days, with their own issues, thoughts and stresses. But I don't know.
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@Notanymore True. Maybe that's the case.

But what if they're family or you've known them for years?
Notanymore · 41-45, M
@Nevaeh0081 I understand that, and don't really know the answer. I suppose, however, that it's the people that are around us most that lean on us most, that take us for granted the most when we need them. It's hard for to blame anyone for being oblivious, personally, I think they're also caught up in themselves and their needs to be able to see.
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@Notanymore Good point. ☝️ Communication. I need to see about that. Thank you for your take on it. 🙏
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
People may not care, but you do and that makes you amazing :)

Some are just not comfortable with hearing the raw truth (yet) and they cannot yet understand the compassion that your honesty originates from.
They will understand, perhaps later in their journey.
Try to be honest without robbing your words from kindness.
Too many are suffering, pointed fingers at, anyone can stumble; a hard truth can still be said with a sense of support - if you want to help, give them room to grow and improve.

When you give, you do not give to take.
You give to give and that is the sole purpose.

If you give with expectation to take, you will be disappointed; not all can give to the same extent or intensity as you.

When you give just because you felt like it, without expecting anything in return, you will feel content and fulfilled.

Still, if you are tired to give, you can take rest and when ready, give again.
In that way, you inspire others to become like you - leading by example.

You are enriching yourself by giving your best.

Remember, as you give to others, you are also gifting yourself something intangible but priceless in your soul, which makes you stronger every time.

Let live:

No matter how giving you are, if some do not wish your help, they cannot be helped.
It is only those who choose to be helped that you can really have a positive impact on.

Hope & Courage:
Have hope, there are many ripples of greatness in this world, just like you.
Despite distance and time, we can still act in unison by choosing our every action wisely.

When you get busy looking for things to say "Thank you" for, you begin to forget about the things that bring you down... give it a try ;)

Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@Busybee333 Very wise words. Very good advice. I'll try to apply that next time. Ooooosaah.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
I am sorry to say that most people really don't nowadays. It's like people are getting worse.

Yet, the challenge is not being one of the cruel and rude and bad even when you feel you've got no one in your corner.

Sometimes goodness will be taken advantage of.

I'm not saying this depress you. But it would help if your validation would come from inside and not outside. Keep you in tact. Rely on God. And along the way as you learn to be your own confident self, hopefully the right people to keep with you would come along.
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@Casheyane Ooh. Touchy. Ok. I'll make sure to not call you anything. Nmh.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@Nevaeh0081 Sorry haha. Insomnia + no caffeine yet. My filter was off.

I'd appreciate if you'd call me by name. Casheyane/cash/sheyan.
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@Casheyane will do.
be good to yourself more than you are to most other people. it would be very rare to find someone who deserves the level of goodness you should give to yourself
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@SW-User nmh. Good point.
antonioioio · 70-79, M
Never do a good turn for anyone unless they deserve it and includes those you love because they end up taking you for granted
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@antonioioio Truth. Absolutely true. Its just very hard for me to not do the right thing. Like I'd feel guilty.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Most people don't care about you because they have too much pressing down on them closer to home. They don't have anything left to spend on you. But there will always be people who are willing and able to prioritize you in their lives. You just have to find them.
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@DunningKruger Well put. Makes sense. Nmh.
Truth is very few people genuinely do care . They may for a time ...but it's fine . As long as you don't expect anything in return then you will be fine .
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@SW-User Truth. That's my problem. I expect the same.
Whyme · 46-50, M
Sadly most people are only interested in what promotes there own agenda
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@Whyme absolutely
Convivial · 26-30, F
Maybe it's not you. Maybe it's them.... Maybe you need a better class of friend
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@Convivial Or a better environment. 😞

I hate starting over.

What to do?
Convivial · 26-30, F
@Nevaeh0081 it would seem you have two choices...
It does seem incredibly rare indeed.
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@NerdyPotato In this day and age, yes.
SnailTeeth · 36-40, M
Yea, that sounds about right.

People are mostly self-centred, some because of struggle, others because they're just naturally that way and have never been taught different.

I think it's better if people don't care, it's less anxiety inducing. It just means you can relax, and see what you get away with.

Be the observer, not the experiment.

Some people get so used to being full of shit, they even convince themselves.
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@SnailTeeth convince themselves that stealing, snitching and putting someone down is ok? That being just a bad person is ok? That's so bad. I can't understand it. Smh.
SnailTeeth · 36-40, M
@Nevaeh0081 Most people find justifications, one way or another. Trauma generally creates trauma, but it could also just be a genetic defect. I hear ya tho, it's a total mindjob.

Inflexible morality can be part of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. Meaning, even people who are lawfully good can also be considered just as imbalanced. The world is a crazy place.

I'll throw in ASPD as a bonus:

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