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Tribute to Yulianna

Like everyone else, I hope that she is OK. I was never as close to her as some on here but we were friends. I found her interesting and she clearly had many talents. I admired her sparky personality and the fact that she could (and would) challenge you on anything that she thought was bullshit.

She was also quite frighteningly smart for someone so young. Her reading list was vast and eclectic From what she told me, she was athletic too. It's hard not to feel a little jealous of someone twenty years younger than you who seems to be good at everything. If she ever returns to SW, I will regret saying that. For her part, she did tell me that 'my analysis was 'cogent' after I mansplained to her something about rugby that she already knew. I learned a new word.

Speaking of which, I mostly remember our Rugby chats. She was an Ireland fan and I tried to cheer her up around the time of the start of the conflict by telling her about Ireland's historic series win in NZ. but - of course - she already knew. Almost nobody in Ukraine plays rugby and why support Ireland? I asked. She explained that the Irish were also a nation of farmers on the edge of Europe and also oppressed by a larger neighbour. For the Irish, that neighbour is my native Britain! We all know which other country completes the analogy.

We didn't always agree politically - her as a Liberal and me as a Socialist - but we did have common ground on some things. She didn't like the term liberal, obviously. I remember her even wading into UK politics to tell me why my stance on the Labour Party was wrong. Though I didn't agree, she was at least well-informed in her opinion.

Soon after meeting her, we were talking about football and she posted a pic of the Ukraine shirt for Euro 2021.

Me: I don't want to comment on the south-east of that map (Crimea).
Her: I think it's close enough
Me: Well, I am a football fan and I don't have many opinions on politics.
Her: I believe that the correct technical term for that is "Bollocks!"

For one of the first times ever, I literally laughed out loud at something someone said on the internet.

If she doesn't come back on SW, then it seems that we might never know for sure what happened to her. If the worst has come to pass, then it's a tragic loss of someone with staggering potential. She perhaps could have been one of her country's future leaders. Though, I tend to think she'd be more likely to have gone into journalism and/or become an acclaimed novelist. If she is no longer with us, then at least she passed in a way that she would have wanted. Fighting for her homeland in a cause she cared passionately about to the core of her being. There is a tragedy in heroism and heroism in tragedy.
Straylight · 31-35, F
I hope that one day she gets a chance to come back and see how much she touched everyone who knew her.
And if the worst has come to pass, I hope that someday she’ll look down over a free Ukraine. 🇺🇦
Khenpal1 · M
@Straylight When she was young , she was rather in arrogance. Intellectual upbringing is not the same as facing death in real life.
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
A lovely post. ❤
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@KiwiBird Thank you
Rutterman · 46-50, M
Wonderful tribute to my longtime friend, Yulia. She truly is an exceptional person. I pray she is okay, and we hear from her soon. 💙 💛 🇺🇦
Rutterman · 46-50, M
@Burnley123 Haha. I hope we get the chance to see it. She's very good at that. 😄
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Rutterman Yeah, brutal!
bowman81 · M
@Burnley123 Well worth it if she does.!!!!!
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Thank you for this. Yulia was, indeed, a rare and exceptional spirit. I miss her greatly. 😔
Mooed78 · F
Yes. I didnt know her well but we did chat about Ireland taking in so many Ukrainians during the war and Irish Rugby. I really hope she is ok and nothing bad has happened to her...😥
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I liked her posts. She seemed very nice. I haven’t seen her around here in a long time
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Jenny1234 She was on active duty in the Ukrainian army. In her last post, she was due to enter a dangerous warzone. That was a year ago and nobody on SW has heard from her since
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@Burnley123 I remember her saying she was on active duty. Hope she’s ok
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
She is for Spurs and therefore a woman of excellent character. 💙🤍💙🤍💙
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@Harmonium1923 what does that mean- she is for spurs?
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
@Jenny1234 She supports the English football (soccer) team Tottenham Hotspur, known as Spurs.
AdaXI · 41-45, T
I don't think I ever spoke to her or really knew her but I know a lot people on here spoke very highly of her and are equally as worried about her and I hope she's ok.

Very thoughtful for you to make the post too BTW Burnley, you're a good guy x
乂º _ º乂
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
This is a lovely tribute to her. I hope she’s ok.
I hope she's ok.
eMortal · M
I know how it feels. I befriended a girl online from Syria 3 years before the Syrian war. During the conflict she disappeared for almost a year! I was worried sick. Fortunately she popped up again and is now safe in Turkey.
Has nobody here tried to do a Google search here or find on any other social media site. If a lot of people knew her she might have given enough details to possibly be found. Inadvertently or not.
Are you sure she even existed? This is SW after all.
@SW-User I see. Some people are fair game and others of equal stature are not.
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Khenpal1 · M
Crimea should not be populated by humans , make it nature reservoir .

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