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Feeling disappointed

My husband and I just started trying for a baby this month. It really felt like I was pregnant. I was getting all the symptoms that seemed to suggest a pregnancy. I even missed my period in the expected date. It was so exciting. And a week later my period is here. Was never so upset about a missed period. One month of building expectations all for it to get flushed down.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
You just started, don’t lose hope. Most people don’t get pregnant their first cycle of trying.

I think a lot of people experience that when trying for a baby, you start paying more attention to your body and making note of every little feeling, and it feels like “this could be it!”

Good luck 🍀
You are young. Give yourselves time. I remember it was over a year before I got pregnant. It seems when you stop focusing on it, it is more likely to happen. You are young and may have fertility issues. Have you talked with your family doctor? I think it is far too early to get worried or concerned. Just go with the fun of it.
Sweetheart it takes some people years.

Do you track your ovulation?

It took my exhusband and I three years.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
Sometimes when we want something so bad we really put too much focus on it. That it causes us too much stress. The best advice I have is have fun, and take the pre-meds. (vitamins) you're young. It will take time but nothing wrong with perfecting during practice.
If after 6 months to a year you find you're still struggling to conceive a visit to your GP/Gyne is needed.
Good luck.
Fertilization · 36-40, F
I feel you 😔
pdockal · 56-60, M
If you put this much pressure on yourself to be pregnant you'll be disappointed over & over again
Just have sex allot and enjoy that
Then have more sex
Let nature work naturally
Don't think about it
smiler2012 · 56-60
@Heretodaygonetomorrow sorry for you disappointment but do not be despondent all you can do is keep trying do not give up it will happen 👍
Bleak · 36-40, F

I remember that let down when trying to conceive.
It can take a while to fall pregnant, just relax, enjoy all the sex and have it often!
Do all the other stuff in the meantime like taking folic acid, exercising, giveing up smoking and drinking, eating well. Up your iron intake too

And remember lots and lots of sex! 😉

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