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Why is Gene Hackman 's death suspicious? Dude was 95

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HootyTheNightOwl Best Comment
Usually, when a 95 year old dude dies, ONLY a 95 year old dude dies - the fact that this one took his younger wife and dog with him is unusual.

There are good reasons to look closer at this man's death.

Some reports are claiming that he had a pacemaker that might have been faulty and the battery went flat, which was then somehow overlooked. Would you be comfortable if you had a pacemaker (yes, even young people can need a pacemaker), you're reading this and thinking "If that happened to him... what's to stop it happening to me, too"???

Two people and a dog died in one house... do you know that there's not some kind of chemical leak or poisoning??? Remember, you can't even smell natural gas that doesn't have the "rotten egg" smell added into it - so we know that there are substances that will kill people without leaving a detectable odour for people who are finding the bodies to smell. Was it carbon monoxide poisoning???

Were they sick and suffering from a new and unheard of illness???

None of these things can be established if everyone thinks "Oh, the guy was 95, he had it coming anyway", because no one bothers to put in the effort to see if there is a cause that could cause the deaths of more people in that vicinity.

Let's say that there was a source of radiation or radon gas in that house. You can't see it, hear it, smell it, or feel it (in low enough doses, you can't taste it). That stuff is going to sit there decaying for a very long time and people will be moving in and out of that property... if you're lucky, someone might find it during renovations - but if not, dead people will be your only clues.
Rob04 · 18-21, M
@HootyTheNightOwl You have truly enlightened my thoughts on "Suspicious" because I thought it meant assassination only.
@Rob04 No, a suspicious death is about so much more than just an assassination.

Assassination and murders are perhaps the most obvious cause of suspicious death that comes to mind when you think of "Suspicious death" - but even something like a workplace accident that causes loss of life is a suspicious death until it can be established otherwise.

Sure, the dead guy might have randomly had a heart attack - but you can't know that until after the body has had a post mortem by a coroner. This can take hours or even days to conclude and write the report. The police can't keep the scene cordoned off for 3 days (One day for the coroner to finish the job they're doing, one day to do our post mortem and one day to write our report)... so, it is faster and more effective to presume that this death is suspicious and gather whatever clues you can find on the scene right away before you reopen the location up to the public again.

That way, you are not going to lose any of this potential early evidence of a possible crime. You might actually see the early stages of investigation most notably in cases of a car wreck where the police want to identify who was involved and get their statements of what happened - they will usually do a breath test to establish if the suspects are drunk at the time of the incident or not.

It is not the job of the police to establish if a crime is suspicious or not, so they treat them all like they are and let the prosecution service decide if the evidence they find is suspicious or not. This is why, sometimes, innocent people can end up confessing to crimes they didn't commit. The police get a picture in their heads and go for the confession - then the evidence rules them out.
Rob04 · 18-21, M
@HootyTheNightOwl Ah! And just to think am in 3rd year Criminology. Got a loooong way to go.

Matt85 · 36-40, M
Cause his wife and dog died too. It's just the way that sometimes 2 married people go one after the other but what about the dog? Did they all just decide they were going to Heaven together?
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@Matt85 exactly that part and the fact that bodies were in two different stages of decomp
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Matt85 that dog may have starved or it may have eaten some of the thyroid pills that were scattered on the floor where Hackman’s wife died, and that could have caused it’s death.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@cherokeepatti Yeah I read that might have been the cause, or dehydration.
The latest on this very sad story:

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — Actor Gene Hackman died of heart disease a full week after his wife died from hantavirus in their New Mexico home, likely unaware that she was dead because he was in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s disease, authorities revealed Friday.

Hackman, 95, and Betsy Arakawa, 65, were found dead Feb. 26. In the days that followed, mystery swirled around the deaths as authorities ruled out foul play, and immediate tests for carbon monoxide poisoning were negative.

Then authorities in New Mexico released the causes, proposing a simple but tragic theory for the deaths: Shortly after Arakawa’s death from a rare infection, Hackman died of the nation’s leading killer — heart disease — apparently unable to seek help after his wife died.

“I believe they really discovered what truly happened in this case,” said forensic pathologist Dr. Victor Weedn, who was not involved in the investigation. “It seemed such a great mystery to the entire nation.”
TexChik · F
@OlderSometimesWiser I read that they were found about 10 days after they had died.
@TexChik Just a very sad ending, for both of them of course (and their dog 🥹) but especially poignant for a man who brought so much enjoyment to others over the course of his decades long career.
TexChik · F
@OlderSometimesWiser Once his Alzheimer's kicked in, Gene Hackman was gone. His wife was his caretaker, and without her making sure he took his meds, he could not survive. Hantavirus (what his wife died from) is often transmitted in rat urine. His wife was only 63. She fell ill with it and died, leaving him alone before his death (presumably). He had a great run
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Simple. Because some of us know about the Hollywood gang. And that same gang are the same people who got Anne Heche and many more. Gene himself even left Hollywood because of personal reasons. Rumor has it that he made some videos that are now deleted that warned us about those individuals. So there's my answer. But hey you're just a kid. I understand you don't know enough about this world yet to realize what it actually is. Good day. ☺
Rob04 · 18-21, M
@Zonuss True
Thrust · 56-60, M
Turned out they died about a week apart. She from some rat borne illness leaving him confused and starving. Probably didn't know she died
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Thrust he had Alzheimer’s and heart problems. Probably a combination of starving and not taking his medications since she was his caretaker.
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