That is sad. I have to confess, I put my cat in the freezer when she was knocked down and killed. The vet would not be open for a few days to get her cremated.
I can understand your friend not wanting to let go.
I can understand your friend not wanting to let go.
Miram · 31-35, F
@TheDeathOfOzymandiaz It's okay. It was an act of love and your way to say goodbye.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
I have an aunt who’s dead husbands urn has been sat on the fire place for 3 years. She’s talks to it and other carry on. Unfortunately she’s beyond reasoning with.
Miram · 31-35, F
If you see me talking to someone in my threads that doesn't exist, don't bother either. Fat chance I believe myself more.
If you see me talking to someone in my threads that doesn't exist, don't bother either. Fat chance I believe myself more.
RadioDust · 36-40, M
Couldn't do that with my cat. Freezer was fucked, and would not opened. I just buried him, not straight away ...I mean, I was emotional. Took me a day and half just to get a proper hole done up in the winter when the ground is rock hard..
Rokan · 31-35, M
I don't allow myself to feel it. Hopefully it doesnt catch up with me.
SinlessOnslaught · M
Gangstress · 41-45, F
This is something id probably end up doing tbh
Miram · 31-35, F
@Gangstress I am in no place to judge. Espacially not since my own brain creates deeper extensions of grief and more complex ones. At least he knew the cat was dead and it would rot outside. I actually had post grief hallucinations.
The reason I think a lot about his situation is his refusal to let go. It is in everything we humans do. It's hard to explain. I wish the world wasn't designed in a way that robs us of all eventually. Designed, evolved..whatever it is. All while we are designed to latch unto love.
The reason I think a lot about his situation is his refusal to let go. It is in everything we humans do. It's hard to explain. I wish the world wasn't designed in a way that robs us of all eventually. Designed, evolved..whatever it is. All while we are designed to latch unto love.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@Miram i absolutely understand
Letting go is one of the hardest things to do.
Even now i yearn for mikey and alan and they weren't pets they were just our garden visitors
Its tough out there at times and they provide unconditional love
I have read a book recently from one of the nature guys i follow and he did the same to his two dogs. Put them both in the freezer. But from reading his story with them. I get it and i dont know if thats ok or im equally as sad
Letting go is one of the hardest things to do.
Even now i yearn for mikey and alan and they weren't pets they were just our garden visitors
Its tough out there at times and they provide unconditional love
I have read a book recently from one of the nature guys i follow and he did the same to his two dogs. Put them both in the freezer. But from reading his story with them. I get it and i dont know if thats ok or im equally as sad
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I see nothing wrong w that.