How do you say goodbye Pop?
How do you say goodbye pop?
Bad enough I had to watch you suffer for months with liver failure and cancer no amount of words I can say can express the sadness and pain I feel right now. However, I will always remember the endless list of memories from being on the back of your Harley and reading to my kindergarten class to the endless list of wisdom and funny stories and great times. It's it brings me tears that as thankful I am you got to know and love my awesome wife and daughter it makes me sad you will only be by side in love and spirit moving forward. I love you Pop
Bad enough I had to watch you suffer for months with liver failure and cancer no amount of words I can say can express the sadness and pain I feel right now. However, I will always remember the endless list of memories from being on the back of your Harley and reading to my kindergarten class to the endless list of wisdom and funny stories and great times. It's it brings me tears that as thankful I am you got to know and love my awesome wife and daughter it makes me sad you will only be by side in love and spirit moving forward. I love you Pop