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I rarely get truly pissed off

But I’ll admit one thing that sets me off. It’s when folks, exclusively right wingers, tell me I only have my political beliefs because I haven’t experienced the “real world” yet I lose it.

I typed out a long thing but nobody wants to hear what I have to deal with.

My heart bleeds because I am in the real world, all day every day.

And if those same people had to deal with even a tenth of what I have to deal with every day it would break them.

I’m going to be vague because I can assure you, working for the government in the kinds of jobs I do is more of the real world than anyone ever wants to experience.

They have no idea the pain and suffering caused by everything they’re trying to conserve.
Miram · 31-35, F Best Comment
You're one of the very few people I can rely on to understand the implications of what I had to go through growing up in a conservative environment , shaped by fear and judgements.

I am blessed to have you in my life.

Rolexeo · 26-30, M
Get over yourself
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@PalteseMalconFunch Yep, there it is. You don't understand why people react this way to you. You're not smart enough to grasp it
@Rolexeo right a bunch of cry babies on here lol
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@Rolexeo you can’t speak for all! 🙄🙄
Gibbon · 70-79, M
This is my way of saying no comment.
I have worked with and for major government contractors my whole life. I'm sorry you're not special. And if all this is about your political beliefs then you've set yourself up for being pissed off. That's on you.
I have nothing further to say so get over it.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@PalteseMalconFunch Define They and we may or may not alter this conversation.
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
@Gibbon I’ll tell you a story.

One of the people I work with (they’re a client) was acting erratic. His family begged to have him put in the state hospital. We said “no we don’t have the money to afford a bed for him”. Because of endless budget cuts.

They called the police and the mobile crisis team. They said “we can’t do anything until he does something.” Because of idiotic ideas of “freedom”.

So he did do something. And that something was beat his brother to death with a set of free weights.

So “they” are the people that caused that. The people that get mad at the government for spending money on unprofitable things like treating the mentally ill. That cripple us at every step of trying to help people that aren’t “a benefit to society”.

Thats probably the tamest story I can tell. You accused me of being vague, but there is a reason for that. Literally nobody wants to actually know.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@PalteseMalconFunch That's anger I understand and it's not political party aligned. It's also the kind of story we actually hear every day be it the mentally ill or the known murdered let out of jail. I think you're wrong not telling it. It one of many legal issues wrong in our society.
As the political part here's my honest opinion aftef the BUT. I'm a conservative not a Trumpster. My belief is the current administration has done it's best to socially and economically destroy our country and Kamala is a brainless joke..
BUT. ..
Your issue involves both sides and society. If I had my way I would walk down the aisle of both the house and senate and look left and right and say everyone of you a-holes is fired and start our entire government with new representatives that ACTUALLY spoke for the people who elected them.

So I do understand your anger and have no answer for it but I believe I've given you one ear you've been looking for. You can be heard but present yourself differently. There really are people willing to listen. Stop being vague in your approach.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Trust I understand I served in the military 10 years and three combat deployments I've seen all kind of s***. I lived in Compton off of Atlantic n Temple. I've been on the short end of the sticc all my life. Especially now. I believe in certain right wing s*** but certain left-wing s*** too. I believe in being a man of the people the little people as well as the big people. And the American people.

It's easy for any a****** that sits in a posh house in a protected environment to point a finger. But when they out there in the f****** trenches they got nothing to say except help me. I get you man. We may not always agree but that's a real statement
Teslin · M
Interesting comment from them. You are definitely old enough to have "experienced the real world". Especially if you work in it every day!!
You know they don't believe anything, right? The Right goes back and forth between praising the workers as the heart of America, to denigrating people who work dirty jobs as losers.
These are the people who claim to hate coastal elites who never had to work, but worship Donald Trump and Elon Musk.
It's literally like being insulted by a child who just repeats whatever they hear on TV.
Nobody cares about ur speech
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
@starbucksgirly Three people cared. Try again.
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
Better than being pissed on.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Enjoy the gender you were born with
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
I would hate working for the government. Government just loves to spy on people. You'll never have privacy
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