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N00dle · 22-25, F
I take a 5 minutes break, smoke a cigarette and listen to music...

DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
I used to be a very angry person. Little things would trigger my anger. I would wake up angry and take it out on everyone around me. I realized I needed to make a change when I made two people cry within the span of a week. I went within and realized why I was angry.

I allowed myself to validate the unjustification of what happened to me. I cried a lot. Then I had to realize I needed to accept it, accept that I didn't deserve it, and move on with my life. And I did. I no longer get excessively angry about anything, more less annoyed. If I feel annoyed I just pinch the top of the bridge of my nose and breathe in and out until I feel better.

When people annoy me or make me angry I cut them out of my life until I'm ready to deal with them again because I put myself first and protect my energy at all costs.

sorry for the novel but yeah xD
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Don’t give other people so much power over you. Take a deep breath and just distance yourself from people who upset you
I lose my ability to speak. I just want to hit.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
vent to someone I can trust, make angry, art, brainstorm, how to not be around this thing that pisses me off
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
I usually vent my feelings with my wife.

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