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Gonna start some shit now

So I seen a post about someone from an older generation ranting about the current generation. Talking about how we don’t understand how they had it, they had it harder but didn’t complain and how back in their day things were done the “right way”.

News flash for you; things aren’t the way they were back then for a few reasons. Let’s go through them-
1. Because obviously not all of you didn’t complain or things wouldn’t have changed.
2. It’s not back in your day anymore, get over it, everything grows, change is inevitable even if you don’t like it.
3. Things changed to adapt to new situations if you would do the same it would be highly appreciated

So stop acting like you had it worse because your precious statistics show otherwise. And stop acting like big corporations taking advantage of you whilst you had a big grin on your face is something to be proud of.

Finally, if you feel attacked by this then unfortunately for you you’re part of a group of people that think you’re something you’re not. You can comment on this if you like but you won’t get a reply so it’s probably better for you to take your comment and stick up your ass I’m sure it will matter a lot more up there.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@CountScrofula I've always wondered about the "cross their legs" phrase.
Tonydang · M
Honestly I think this new generation has it a lot harder than we did years ago so I’m not sure what he was talking about
SarahAndSamantha · 51-55, T
I'm firmly a member of Gen X. Let me tell you a little something about the current generation, youngin! They're hearing the same B.S. about being the 'worst generation' and a bunch of whiners and have it so easy that we heard when we were there age. And our parents before that. It never ends.

Your generation rocks. Don't let them tell you otherwise
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Which older generation are you referring to? And where?

People of my generation and place of origin would be more inclined to say that we had a good start in life. Nonetheless life was not perfect (I would probably not have been so comfortable dressing fem when I was your age as I am now for instance) and many of us pushed for it to be improved. Many of my contemporaries are of the opinion that some aspects of life are worse now in some ways than they were when we were growing up, but again it depends on the place as well as the time.

It also depends on one's personal circumstances, many people find it difficult to separate their own experience from the generality of society. This is especially the case, it seems, when they have had a hard start to life.
Lilnonames · F
just be you,live happy have fun let life fit to your liking

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