LandOfOz · 61-69, M
What was it id love to see it. Pm if you like
Go to your PMs and scroll down to the filter settings
Make it so that anyone who isn't your friend can't send you a pm that you get notifications for
Make it so that anyone who isn't your friend can't send you a pm that you get notifications for
moonyean · 26-30, F
@deadgerbil thank you 🙏
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
@moonyean and you have 500 blocks as a non VIP user so use them liberally

You met the men who see any pretty girl and they gave you words they would never dare in public?
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
HAHAHAHAHAHA NGL I totally didn't say anything but I did notice Oooooooo pretty but I didn't say anything. I mean? You're not the first woman i've ever met so of course I just talked about EP and how I miss it.
Don't put it past em, some of these users have obviously never had a girlfriend so they never learned what topics to avoid when you're only just getting to know them.
Don't put it past em, some of these users have obviously never had a girlfriend so they never learned what topics to avoid when you're only just getting to know them.
moonyean · 26-30, F
@PDXNative1986 i didn’t mind the attention but some of the messages i was getting were craaazzy as an introduction. like no hello how are you? immediately perving on a pfp that barely showed anything 😫
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
@moonyean Some men really don't know better or for some bizarre reason don't care that it never works. It's always weirded me out too like, Dude you just met her like 2 minutes ago and already? especially considering such activity could have life altering consequences that last for the next 20 years if not handled properly like...?
how many times have I seen it happen too new girl shows up who's somewhat attractive gets bombarded in that and some shall we say unsolicited photography of unmentionables and everything and she flees forthe exit in a heartbeat and...
new girl shows up and it's the same shit on loop as if we never learn from experience it leaves me wanting to hide under a rock just for being a man sometimes.
how many times have I seen it happen too new girl shows up who's somewhat attractive gets bombarded in that and some shall we say unsolicited photography of unmentionables and everything and she flees forthe exit in a heartbeat and...
new girl shows up and it's the same shit on loop as if we never learn from experience it leaves me wanting to hide under a rock just for being a man sometimes.
moonyean · 26-30, F
@PDXNative1986 omg i didn’t know it was THAT common 😭 everyone i’ve seen so far has like random pictures of another things maybe that’s the reason why
SomeMichGuy · M
Well, this one is great.
Hope that's ok to say.
Hope that's ok to say.
🤔that tracks.
yugimotodm · 26-30, M
Welcome to the show 😂
slorollin · 41-45, M
Welcome to the island. It gets a little unhinged around here sometimes. Dont let em get to you and there's also some really good people here too. Gotta seak em out. Youll be alright
IamBack · 31-35, M
Sorry that you had to experience that already! 🫠
in10RjFox · M
why? did they do anything to your earlier one?
Theyitis · 36-40, M
I like both of them!
Fieldmaster · 46-50, M
Oh boy, wow, my worst fears.
Teslin · M
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
That's just us
@Donotfolowme but especially meeee
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
@OrionInTheNight If you say so