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Learning to love who I am.

I spend a lot of time thinking about how I come across to other people, it has been really important to me that people were impressed by how I look and what I wore. I hated it if I did or said something silly and it would be on my mind for days/weeks/months/years!
I’ve had so many embarrassing moments in my life that really played on my mind and I’ve really beat myself up about them, wishing that I could go back and change them.
I can feel myself starting to change and let go, forgiving myself and growing into the person that I want to be, that I am.
I hope you are happy too!
Yep! It is hard to shake but learning to appreciate your own value without being overconfident is a good start 🤍
smiler2012 · 56-60
@Strongtea 🤷‍♂️sorry why do you do this too yourself take on the thoughts and negative vibes of others and let it bother you . people are cruel at times and open there mouth before they think and say things that are inappropriate . it is an opinion but at the end of the day if you are comfortabe with how things in your worlds are take no notice of such comments
Strongtea · 22-25, M
I know that it’s silly to pay so much attention to what others think. Hopefully I won’t do it any more though!
Thanks!!!! 😊@smiler2012
I know how you feel! I spend days worrying about things that others probably hadn't even noticed!
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Yes, I do that too! Hopefully not anymore though, it feels good to let it all go! 😊@DA198
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Im totally happy and being the best person i can be..just keep being true to yourself..👍
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
1. We all make mistakes. 2. We can't change the past. What's done is done. Learn from mistakes then put the memory away. Live in the present.

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