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Infant mortality rates rise in Texas after abortion ban

In a completely predictable development, the infant mortality rate in 2022 rose to 8%, compared to a 2% increase in the rest of the U.S. Death from birth defects rose 23%, compared to a decrease of 3% in the rest of the U.S. This followed the abortion restrictions imposed in Texas in 2021.

Well done, "pro-lifers." You haven't saved any fetuses (the overall abortion rate in the U.S. rose after the Dobbs decision), but you did manage to kill more infants.

Captainjackass · 31-35, M
See they only care about kids before their born. After that they don’t care if their killed even in school as long as they have their guns.
@Captainjackass It’s ironic that they fight for the births of unwanted children they won’t even be supporting, but make no effort to protect the lives of desperately wanted and loved living, breathing children from gun violence.

And they see no paradox or contradiction.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Captainjackass @bijouxbroussard The error you're making here is considering this as the result of a miscalculation or mistake, and not something being done deliberately to cause suffering: the fact that there's a paradox or contradiction is purely meaningless. It's not that if they realized there's one (and they probably do, actually) they would correct the shot.
@Elessar You’re correct, expecting consistency with what they’re claiming to want vs. their actual vision is useless.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
It's all about controlling girls and women. They don't give a damn about anyone who isn't a millionaire who gives them money.

Texas is a one star state. It's even on the state's flag.
They don’t give a damn about children, seriously. Their gun laws even after Uvalde prove that. And they certainly don’t care about their girls and women. 😞
CestManan · 46-50, F
Problems are never solved, just rearranged.

I do not understand why in the past couple years, the fed or whoever has been so "bent" on wanting to take away rights?

What are the hoping to accomplish? Wanting to remove LGBT rights, black rights, women's rights, etc.

These "Christian nationalists" or whatever, how are they going to react when the fed comes after their rights?
CestManan · 46-50, F
@LeopoldBloom I do not get why they want to outlaw contraception. Are they going to try to outlaw "self service" next?
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CestManan · 46-50, F
@LeopoldBloom I guess the elite figure they now control peoples' lives and money, now they want to go for peoples' bodies.
And all of that was predictable as well...
@NerdyPotato Sadly, it was.
jehova · 31-35, M
No surprise. Texas the backward. . .
Ontheroad · M
See, there you go again, confusing them with facts and reality. I've come to learn that these rabid Republican states and their voters prefer conspiracies and lies rather than facts, science, and truth.
dont forget that there are over 8 billion people on this planet now

in 1980 it was half this number

and look how much worse we all are compared to then
So a differential increase of




with respect to how the rest of the nation is doing!
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
They don’t care. They just want more uneducated and poor people to be born.

So these people will vote for the Republican Party because they don’t understand that this party does nothing to benefit low income people.
MethDozer · M
Nature always finds a way

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