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Do you believe patriachy is an organised scheme to subdue women to men's domination?

It is a theme often used by militant feminists to discredit any male opinion on feminism. Do those who read me have any thoughts about it?
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Gilhooly · 61-69, F
Men need to be men, they need to feel they have what it takes to provide and care for those they love. Women need to support the fact, that in every man there is the heart of a warrior..women can join them, support them but don't hate them
MrSquishy · 56-60, M
@ShadyBaby: So rather that 'let men be men' shouldn't we say 'let any one be who they want to be'?
Gilhooly · 61-69, F
@MrSquishy: 'shouldn't we say? ' I can feel you squishing me into your version of what I'm trying to say. My words speak as they are..let them be
MrSquishy · 56-60, M
@ShadyBaby: Not at all, I apologise if I gave you that impression. I am just trying to encourage you to expand your thinking, I am curious to hear various opinions on that matter and I am trying to use my own opinion as a spur for conversation rather than to wall others in their thinking. What my last comment was pointing at is that when you say 'Let men be men' that suggest that there is a clear definition of what men are.
Ancient males were smart enough to see they would be potential trouble soon enough, so they invented religion to get the jump on em!
@MrSquishy: Oh my god. You're going to make me say something ridiculous.

Please name a female Patriarch genius.
MrSquishy · 56-60, M
@puck61: The question I asked you, and that you haven't yet answered, is how do you support that males are always at the origin of religions and that religions are necessarily a factor of male domination over women?
@MrSquishy: This is the question you asked. " Where do you get that it was men who invented religion?"
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
Yes I do think that. Example: the Abrahamic religions, Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc. all pay homage to the patriarch Abraham and those religions do see women as inferior and subservient to men.

If these religions had been invented by women instead of men then things would have been different I think.
MrSquishy · 56-60, M
@Wraithorn: OK..but what do you make of other religions and believe such as shamanism that give women a prime role? Doesn't that goes against the notion that religion is necessarily a vector and an expression of male domination?
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
@MrSquishy: I don't think that all religions are male dominated. Shamanism, Wicca etc. do give women prime roles and as much respect as men. It's the Abrahamic religions that bug me. They are being used as justification for things like war and killing of other Humans. They are limiting,divisive and elitist.

I don't see shaman and wiccans going to war in the name of their god/s.

Muslims and Christians are at odds with each other despite the fact that their religions have similar origins.

I think for the sake of world peace the Abrahamic religions need to be overcome. Only problem is, they threaten their followers not to doubt their doctrines for fear of eternal damnation. It's the ultimate threat and I think it's an empty threat.
MrSquishy · 56-60, M
@Wraithorn: I see why you would think so, but yet there are generalisations to avoid. Abrahmic religions are often seen through the actions and words of their most extreme fringes. Yet the great majority of muslims are peaceful, many jews don't wish to expel non jews from the promised land and original Christians treated women as equal and women could celebrate eucharist (it wasn't banned until the 6th century) So maybe religion is not as defining a factor as you may think. What some say now in the name of religion has not always been the case. We must be careful when forming and opinion on others that what we see or what we are given to see if only a partial truth.
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MrSquishy · 56-60, M
@waleskinder: Are the ancient societies you mention an acceptable model?
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MrSquishy · 56-60, M
@waleskinder: What makes you feel that it is better for women to be under men domination?
MrSquishy · 56-60, M
@Elandra77: Very interesting article, I think I will read it again to take more information from it in. I discussed a similar mythological take on feminism by the British university professor. It kind of worries me that so much effort is put in intellectualising feminism rather than looking at practical issues such as parental leaves, childcare, protection of career progression after maternity leaves etc...It seems to me that maternity plays a bigger role in depriving women of having fair treatments than the gender of gods in Persian mythology.
BigHeadScience · 41-45, F
White CIS men make feminism necessary. The patriarchal system puts all others under the heel.
MrSquishy · 56-60, M
@StrangeScience: Do you believe the patriarchal systems is deliberate and thought through or rather a side effect of humanity's duality?
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MrSquishy · 56-60, M
@Greenbare: I met feminists who weren't anti all you list...maybe it would be easier if we didn't make such generalisations about what others think and took time to discuss the matters that cause such passions?
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MrSquishy · 56-60, M
@Greenbare: That is my thinking. I find that using terms like patriarchy, feminazi is usually leading to confrontation and not discussion. Don't you think we can do without those terms?

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