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Can we all agree the legal age for drinking in America is stupid?

It's 21 if you don't know.
Yup. 25 would be better
lizzie · 22-25, F
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
Yeah. I understand that there's greater risks with letting younger people drink, but in that case the drinking age should be 30. After a certain point you realize there's a question of rights.

18 or 19 is what we have in Canada and it works fine. If you can vote, drive, own a gun, star in porn, and smoke, you should be able to drink.
I've alwaus felt that if you are old enough to join the military you are old enough to drink. Thinking about it, i believe if you are 13 and want to drink, you can always find it or have someone buy it for you. We did
Why do you think it's stupid?
lizzie · 22-25, F
@some1: if they didn't know they'd dehydrate : P
You know what I meant
lizzie · 22-25, F
@some1: 😂✌
Bean17 · 46-50, F
I would somewhat agree with you on that--mainly because I feel like it being 21 inadvertently promotes binge drinking.😑 But I feel like the culture in the US surrounding drinking alcohol should also change as well.. Like in Europe it seems like they grow up with it more as a normal part of life and family and community and meals, etc. I think 16 is too young, but 18 with different socialization I would agree with.
I don't agree with that, it would be different if our culture wasn't oh it's taboo as long as you don't get caught. And then when you hit 21 getting smashed out of your mind all the time = successful young person.

It would be better if we taught people safe ways to drink before we gave them the go ahead. Then I don't mind lowering the drinking age.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Back in the 70's they lowered it to 18. The results were disastrous, many alcohol related deaths etc. They raised it back to 21, they had too.
@curiosi: cool. It still bothers me that a man or woman can join to fight wars and put their life up for the country, should be able to drink.
curiosi · 61-69, F
@boldtimer: True, many join the military because they don't know what to do after high school. My ex was in the army he said most were there because they wanted to just get away.
@curiosi: I knew guys that did that. But they still fight our battles. They deserve alot more respect and responsibility
hlpflwthat · M
I agree. Adults are adults. 18.
Bigrobbie · 56-60, M
18 is good.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Because most teenagers aren't too terribly responsible, particularly when you add alcohol in the mix. It's not like it stops anyone who wants to drink anyway. I had the proverbial fake ID when I was 17.
Can u get married and join the military at 18 over there?
lizzie · 22-25, F
@A7xqueen: no I'm 2 lazy u do it
OggggO · 36-40, M
You can. You can even serve alcohol at 19, even though you can't drink it for two more years.
@Byeimoff Heck, in some US states you can get married at 14, or younger if it's a cousin.
Shutterbug · 56-60, M
Here it's 18. So an 18 Aussie, can legally drink here, but can't in the USA
its because the brain is not finished developing till that age
lizzie · 22-25, F
Most countries it's about 16-18 tho -_-
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
why? seems anyone who drinks can't handle it at any age.
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lizzie · 22-25, F
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SandInMyShoes · 36-40, F
Does anyone take any notice of it? We don't in the UK
hami1091 · 41-45, F
Yes, it should be 18.
Goralski · 51-55, M
Should b 18
lizzie · 22-25, F
Srsly? Why?
As if anyone pays attention to that. I never had a problem buying beer, wine, or booze when I was a teenager.
OggggO · 36-40, M
Blame MADD.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Yeah, how dare people be against something that kills thousands of innocent people every year. How dare they.
OggggO · 36-40, M
I'm not supporting drunk driving. However, MADD has gone really, really off mission from fighting drunk driving to fighting underage drinking. They're the ones that lobbied for the raising of the drinking age.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
yeah, but most start drinking around 16 anyways
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
then get knocked up.... killed in a DUI...
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@sighmeupforthat: well I started drinking at 13 and im not knocked up yet...
lizzie · 22-25, F
@sighmeupforthat: morbid much :o

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