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I think I'm better off alone. Free as the breeze.

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wildfl0wer · 41-45, F
Tumbleweeds are restless and empty and hard to hold, but I still have so much love to give...
Not as long as that still exists in your heart ⬆ Someone out there is looking for you. 💕
Yup. Same. Nobody ever really liked/loved me anyway and I've only become more unlikable. I'm trying to slow down and accept it.
Tumbleweed · F
@MarbleMarvel Stop that. I like you!!
come2gether · 46-50, M
@MarbleMarvel I like you
come2gether · 46-50, M
@come2gether why the broken heart? I'm just sharing truth with you 🙂. You can message if you want to
Different · 31-35, M
I find alone as better
I feel you Tumbly. People have been rank lately. ...
Tumbleweed · F
@Idontbelonghere Right?! It's exhausting...
@Tumbleweed Yes. I feel like no matter how decent I am to someone they will turn around and be hurtful.
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
Just me and my dog ..
pdockal · 56-60, M
No friends ?????
Tumbleweed · F
@pdockal Friends here. That's a plenty.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Yes, that's ideal
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Free as a breeze. 😎
candycane · 36-40, F
You are as free as the wind that blows wildly across the plains of envy. Releasing you of all the chains that trap you with the pain, that can be… in ways that only you can know.
Tumbleweed · F
@candycane I love you Candy!

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